
What is it with hi-fi forums and "not liking rap"?

As the OP I can confidently say (once again) that the thread is not about taste in music or listening choices. Nobody cares (very much) about that. The thread is about the lack of diversity on hi-fi forums and how the actions of some members - inadvertently I mostly imagined before I started the thread - serve to keep it that way by posting needlessly, endlessly and furiously about their hatred of just one particular music genre.

In truth I'm beginning to feel now that there's more racist spite and intent in those efforts than I had originally thought. And now that the pubs are shut I fully expect this thread will be on the receiving end of even more bitter and lengthy rants from lager emboldened bigots.

Let them come. They are making the argument for me.

PS no, racism is not like cables.

So basically you are saying that anyone who does not like rap music, and dares to say so, is a racist and a lager emboldened bigot. That's lovely, thanks!
This is profoundly ignorant and I use the word in its correct sense, not as a pejorative.

Yes, you are right. I am indeed ignorant of rap music. But what I have heard is enough to tell me that I am not interested in exploring further. One's time and "listening capacity" is limited, so why should I take some away from exploring music that I find attractive to explore music I find repulsive?
It's really not about popularity.

If a white person plays jazz today, is there any pressure to respect the black cultural history of the music? I don't think so, but I'm happy to be proven wrong. There are mutterings about it in house and techno, but no serious pressure. But white rappers? They're constantly on thin ice because they and everybody else know that their ties to the culture are most likely tenuous and second hand at best.
Beastie Boys, rather successful, The Streets, very much his own thing.

I think you have this the wrong way round, it is black artists who are put under pressure to represent their race in a positive way, never any such pressure on white artists.

I think some people just don’t like rap, it doesn’t appeal. Jazz was largely created by people of colour, as was blues & over time both have become assimilated into wider or mainstream culture. Rap/Hip Hop has probably taken a little longer but it is our dominant musical culture now. Look at how many musicians have adopted a number of its traits.

Blues is an excellent example of white people feeling under pressure to sound ‘more black’.

It’s a complicated picture.
Rap/Hip Hop has probably taken a little longer but it is our dominant musical culture now.

I hope not. This would be an announced musical disaster.
Funny thing is, I don’t know anybody, and I mean anybody who listens to rap, apart from manga reading teens.
My view is this , How can talking be music even if it's fast loud talking ? I don't get it sorry :(

It is far from just talking. Try it and you’ll see. Rapping or ‘spitting bars’ as the kids refer to it these days is a real skill and like most skills takes years of practice to perfect. Your comment is a bit like saying an artist is just putting paint on a brush…
I hope not. This would be an announced musical disaster.
Funny thing is, I don’t know anybody, and I mean anybody who listens to rap, apart from manga reading teens.
It’s not up for debate, pretty much all the mega sized current artists come from this idiom, have you been asleep for the last decade or so?

Yes, Adele, but have you seen Rihanna’s net worth? Most of the big ‘white’ acts are largely heritage.
That is a huge generalisation. Pretty much the equivalent of saying country & western is the music of the KKK!

Please give this just four minutes and forty four seconds of your time:

It dates from 1992 and is so prophetic about future world events it is almost scary. This is amazing civil rights music. Some of the very best. It clearly follows Gil Scott Heron’s lead.

This is the track from them that I remember:

Substitute 'TV' for 'social media' and that's where we are now.
Just a few Hip Hop tunes from my collection - all on Vinyl or c.d.

The thing is - for those who hold a grudge against Hip Hop, or Rap without exploring the very wide genre - it is possible to enjoy Hip Hop and like Prog, Blues, Jazz, Classical, Punk, What Ever as well. It is all music.

I maintain, as I said on pfm years ago, it has a lot to do with ones ability to dance. The less able to freak out and shake yer booty are more likely to hate on Disco/Rap/EDM/Hi-NRG - It is a Man thing.

And where is the Hi-NRG thread?


poppers at the ready, Haterz get Bendy. :D
Wow! Only started last night and already six pages long!

The OP's suggestion that a dislike of Rap has some racial connection is simplistic nonsense. I was going to add more, but as I trawled through the thread I saw that most of the points have been covered.

