
What HiFi Throw Down The Gauntlet.

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It does strike me that the most vehement posters regarding any particular topic or theory here do themselves no justice. As it's an open forum I don't know what people expect. It's a free country, still, just about and if I want to pontificate about the benefits of Venezualan beaver cheese as an audio damping material then people are free to tell me I'm wrong. It only needs saying once though.

Anyway, have I told you about this great material for damping audio components I've found..?
That was the most surprising thing in the article; that What Hi Fi would employ someone with no knowledge or interest in hi-fi.

I remember in my younger days I was in John Lewis and there was this cocky salesman, anyway, we were talking and he started to talk about What Hifi? he was telling me that the reviewers they used were just students, one week they would review Hi-Fi and the next week they would be reviewing washing machines:eek: Jeez, that horrified me:mad:
I remember in my younger days I was in John Lewis and there was this cocky salesman, anyway, we were talking and he started to talk about What Hifi? he was telling me that the reviewers they used were just students, one week they would review Hi-Fi and the next week they would be reviewing washing machines:eek: Jeez, that horrified me:mad:
Yes, unlike other mags where the author of the review is named, and you can get a feel for their like and dislikes, What Hi-Fi? tends to us an anonymous "we".
He piled upon the mains cable's block of wood the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from adamdea down; and then, as if his chest had been mechanized CD drawer, he burst his hot heart's shell upon it.
Hail, horrors! hail,
Infernal World! and thou, profoundest Hell,
Receive thy new possessor—one who brings
A mind not to be changed by place or time.
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.
What matter where, if I be still the same,
And what I should be, all but less than he
Whom thunder hath made greater? Here at least
We shall be free; the Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence:
Here we may reign secure; and, in my choice,
To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.
I wonder if the readers would notice a change of title to What Is Hi-Fi? or What Is Hi-Fi For?
No worries.

Of course you'll be advising that people refrain from making further "pro-foo" and preaching of amateur science remarks also? As it is very tiresome and repetitive.

The problem is Max it's not ALL foo and yet ALL is challenged unless there is proof from the poster - and yet the adversary can just point to some internet post by an 'authority' and its OK!

I bring up again your claim that digital is perfect and ergo sounds better than vinyl and yet you have not even heard a TT by your own admission. I could ask you to provide YOUR proof that digital sounds better but you can't because you have no personal experience just links you grab from websites.

It's the 'absolute' stance that is annoying, you MAY be correct but also you MAY be not - if you have a personal vendetta against all those who don't agree with your anti foo stance that is fine but do you have to repeat is over and over and over again?
Kudos to WHF for allowing this comment

All this proves at the end of the day is the simple fact that WHF or any other magazine, will never conduct blind testing because the whole industry would be thrown into chaos.

Cable sound is the reactive fight and inter-co-operation between three inseparable and rather re-active bi-polar friends.

L= Coercion or inductance
C= Bank vault or capacitance (very unstable this one)
R= Fear or resistance

It all ends with a shot gun or someones wallet.
HiFi Choice used to conduct a lot of unsighted, level matched listening to all manner of things. CD players, Amplifiers, Cables etc. I'm not sure whether they still do. It was quite a logistical challenge & I doubt their circulation nowadays would support the time/cost involved. Certainly not on the scale they were doing it back in the 80's & 90's.

Somehow this testing didn't 'throw the industry into chaos'.
I bring up again your claim that digital sounds better than vinyl

I've never once claimed that and you know it.....

What do you think of the WHF article? I agree that we shouldn't have to see such stuff over and over and over again.....

Why do you keep saying that vinyl sounds better than digital, over and over and over again?
I've never once claimed that and you know it.....

What do you think of the WHF article? I agree that we shouldn't have to see such stuff over and over and over again.....

Why do you keep saying that vinyl sounds better than digital, over and over and over again?

Max, you can't just answer a question with a question; its something you do over and over again.
People have been 'debating' the subjective/objective theme for many, many centuries. The audio version is just a tiny, insignificant spin-off.
Why bother? it's a hobby, people spend their money, or don't, they have fun, or don't, and life goes on; utterly indifferent to our little spats.

I agree that we shouldn't have to see such stuff over and over and over again.....
If your raison d'être is to seek out foo and present it to others, it's not surprising why you see such stuff over and over.

Your undoing it will be. Result in madness it will.

Master Joe-da
It seems sensible at this point to link to Channel 4's tricks on the trade, which aired on Monday on how people are persuaded to buy HDMI cables

As a magazine covering AV including HDMI cables one might wonder whether WHF should be covering this?

By the way
1) guess what happens in the "blind" test (later on in the show)
2) Max, you are going to love their expert witness Adrian Mars.
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