
What are you listening to right now #64

this Record Industry record plant is a disaster, much worst than CZ. When I opened my vinyl copy I could see smears on both sides of the clear vinyl. Put in my Degritter for a Medium Clean before playing. Clicks and plops throughout side one track one and random clicks throughout side two. Unlistenable. Plus the centre label on side two was bulging up everywhere. I thought perhaps two labels one on top of other, but no. Back in the Degritter for another Medium clean. A little better, but still unacceptable. I was about to return it, but I thought one more try. Into the Degritter again on Heavy. Wow this did It Clicks gone accept for a few very light ones between tracks. This RCM may have been expensive, but it’s proving to be one of my best buys. Most of the smears by the way appear to be inside the clear vinyl. You would think therefore non fill, but the noise sounded nothing like that. The pressing still looks unsellable, but that’s not a problem for me. The one thing they did get right was centring. What I thought on the download was that at at 82 Trumpeter Wadada Smith could not quite hold the pitch on on his extended high notes, but on the Vinyl he is perfect. Listen to side one track 2 where there must be some chimes hanging in the background and he sets them resonating. He has no right to be this pitch perfect at his age! In fact none of this would matter if the music playing was not as good as it is.

This is such a shame this is probably one of the best recordings I have ever heard, if not the best. Admittedly just two instruments Piano and a Trumpet it doesn’t sound Digital, it doesn’t Analogue nor valve warm or SS cold. It sounds very real. Quite when I have been in the first few rows of the Wigmore Hall for the Piano. The bass is subterranean when she strikes cords with her left hand. Not shaking my room, which is well damped, but because I believe what I am hearing (more feeling) for the first time a home are notes at 25Hz or lower that and I can feel through my chest and other organs That don not set off room modes. Almost like when I was staying in a Buddhist temple in Japan near Tokyo and was wakened by an earthquake shaking my body.

I think I will email Red Hook records as they are doing themselves no favours using this record plant.
Probably we are making two much distraction to this thread with this. So email me if you want to know more and let me know how your replacement pressing sounds.
Not a distraction, worth knowing - perhaps start another thread about the pressing plant and see how many others have similar experiences ?
Dr. Lonnie Smtih, All In My MInd ( via Qobuz)

I've streamed this more than I've played quite a few of the TPs I've actually got hard copies of. Not quite sure why I've not just gone for it and ordered a copy - a great groove and some fine guitar playing.

I think I was out off as two tracks are not included that were on the CD - not enough to make a double album but they could have done a nice 3 sided set like Andrew Hill's Passing Ships.

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