
What are you listening to right now #64

Good evening all,

Much as I might want to dislike it I'm listening to Taylor Swift's latest, OK so catchy tunes and has me wondering how some recording engineers remain in employment set against efforts like this?

A full sound stage - but of course I must be imagining it as Isobariks don't do that do they??


They sure do!

I was watching a film BEYOND THE UNKOWN on Prime and a piece of music more than intrigued me and at the finish of the film I played that scene again many times and then looked for the song details in the fim credits which there was none!
Using the subtitles/CC i entered the lyrics in a search engine and eventualy found the details as ZOLA BLOOD - NOTHING.

With this I was able to listen to quite a few more of their songs on YOUTUBE (the adverts have become so intusive/annoing) and then found thier website and wiki page to find out more and how/where to buy.
Eventually I found BANDCAMP the best place to buy and purchased everything available LP's CD and digital EP's.

Their music is fantastic and reminds/gives me the same joy of discovery all those manny, many years ago when I listened to for the first time on release;
The Cure - A Forest, Blue Nile - A Walk Across The Rooftops, Talk Talk - The Colour of Spring and Japan- Tin Drum.

