
What’s your favourite tonearm?

I've been quite happy with a Rega 250 with stainless steel stub and counter weight, a sea change over the stock offering. But I have just bought a VTA adjuster (vernier) for my Jelco 370. Hasn't arrived yet. (Pic copied without permission)

No mention of Origin Live thus far? They don’t seem to get much by way of mentions on this Board. Are they not much good?

I have an Origin Live Onyx tonearm with upgraded wiring. > Ortofon Black mm

It is on a Heybrook TT2 that has upgrades.

I think it works very well, and tracks accurately.

(previous = Linn LVV & LVX, I still have the LV X on another Heybrook TT2, it does a basic job)
Worst I had was a Heybrook arm which literally dropped to bits.... quality control was seemingly non existent! Good thing it was a freebie.
In contrast to the 'source first, turntable uber alles', the first LP12 I had come fitted with the detachable headshell LV-X and the 'Linn Basik' cartridge. It was screechy, two dimensional and had little in the way of any true extension, clarity or speed in the LF. Migrating to the Ittok while keeping the Basik was an enormous upgrade, restoring all the missing attributes. There is no way in this universe that the Linn/LV-X/Basik could even approach my previous deck (Systemdek/PU-2/Entre One) inspite of the dogma that a LP12/*/* is always eons ahead of Not an LP12/*/*. The middle '*' was more important than the first '*'.
My LP12 (used from a dealer employee) also came with the LV-X, and I also soon upgraded to a Tiktock (with Karma) 1982; year of the first CDPs.
I can comment only on three arms in my experience.

Rega RB300 on AR Turntable - fantastic value, and proper fidelity.

Linn Ittok LV-II on LP12 - authoritative sounding and very easy to live with, except when changing carts.

Naim ARO on LP12 - utterly musical if not the easiest arm to cue manually. Thank goodness for the Tiger Paw Elevator.

I liked them all, but if I had to choose a favourite, it'll be the ARO.
I've been quite happy with a Rega 250 with stainless steel stub and counter weight, a sea change over the stock offering. But I have just bought a VTA adjuster (vernier) for my Jelco 370. Hasn't arrived yet. (Pic copied without permission)


That's a nice looking T/T, Helen, what is it?:)

Ah, thanks. Gorgeous combination of aesthetics, especially with that nice chunky platter!

Should have mentioned the Davinci Tonearms earlier the 12" Grandezza was a nice arm very musical slightly warm and rounded in the bass, they made a non straight version of the Vertu for a short while this is a lovely tonearm plus the bass was full and deep explosive while having a superb natural midrange I prefer it personally to the current straight version. One could use a spu which this arm so always a great advantage.
I've been quite happy with a Rega 250 with stainless steel stub and counter weight, a sea change over the stock offering. But I have just bought a VTA adjuster (vernier) for my Jelco 370. Hasn't arrived yet. (Pic copied without permission)


Ruddy Nora that looks nice!
ACOS (Koshin Denki) Lustre ST-610 Cardas rewired. Don’t know what all that means but it works for me. Nice lively competent character. Just wish the cue device worked, its a bit all over the place. I’m not sure it has any bias adjustment.

Looks a bit like the old RB200 before Rega introduced their own designs.
Lovely things, the old Lustre tonearms.

Re: the cueing device, if you have a look under the arm tube, there should be a small black polymer disc fitted that makes contact with the bare metal of the lift beam. Either the disc has lost its elasticity; needs a good cleaning (as well the top surface of the lift beam); or, needs replacing. An alternative fix is to put a thin rubbery curved strip of material atop the lift beam.
I have fond memories of the SAEC arms - double knife edge bearings, alumina head shell, very smooth and powerful. Moderately high effective mass, so best with stiff cartridges.
Original Mission 774. Just so versatile. There are no doubt arms that ultimately sound slightly better for specific awkward carts but it gets out 95% of whats available from such a wide range of carts.
Lovely things, the old Lustre tonearms.

Yes, it performs well with a AT OC9 on a Pink Triangle, beyond its price I think. Mine was had for £175 secondhand.

I've tried putting a rubber sleeve over the the top bar but operation is bit too erratic. Never mind, I'm now used to hand cueing.

Thanks for the advice though. I may one day get to the underside to try improving things.
Tonearms I have used:
Mayware Formula V
Helius Scorpio
Linn Akito Mk1
Linn Ekos Mk1
(all above on an LP12)
Rega RB1000 (on a P9)
Rega RB808 (on an RP8)

I now have a Roksan Xerxes 20+ with Artemiz Mk11 arm and Ortofon Cadenza Black cartridge. It is comfortably the best sounding vinyl player I have heard so I would have to say the Artemiz is my favourite arm. Always wanted to try an Ittok but never got round to it. Don't think I will now.
Original Mission 774. Just so versatile. There are no doubt arms that ultimately sound slightly better for specific awkward carts but it gets out 95% of whats available from such a wide range of carts.

A non-starter for those who like to manually cue records.
I keep looking for an older Ikeda IT407 or an FR-66 but they are bloody expensive.

