
USB Cable Poll: Redux

What's your experience/opinion of USB cables for audio?

  • I auditioned multiple USB cables and found they differed

    Votes: 32 21.5%
  • I auditioned multiple USB cables and found them identical

    Votes: 34 22.8%
  • I haven't auditioned USB cables and believe they won't differ

    Votes: 63 42.3%
  • I haven't auditioned USB cables but suspect they will differ

    Votes: 20 13.4%

  • Total voters
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I mustache you, Have you done a "Kirk reasons with Nomad" on Max yet? Do I need to get the antigravity guernys ready for Mr Handlebars to beam out?

Have you done a "Kirk reasons with Nomad" on Max yet?
Of course I have.

I am holding back for the appropriate moment to unleash Alexander riding the Kirk pony. That's one that should not be posted too hastily.


Whilst the call re: Max' circular reasoning is sound, the video is a poor example. If Kyle had posited: “Captain Kirk is the best captain in Starfleet because the best captain in Starfleet always was Kirk until Picard came along”, Spock would have been logically justified in bitch-slapping him thus.

Rather more like Max' statement is: “the Bible is the word of God because it says it is.”

However, in the cited example, Kyle breaks the circle by introducing new information - the Enterprise is the flagship of the fleet - and that Starfleet policy is to appoint the best captain to the best ship. Based on those three independent facts, he effectively reasons: because Starfleet always appoints the best captain to the best ship, and the best ship is the Enterprise, and Kirk is the captain of the Enterprise, Kirk is therefore the best captain in the fleet.

The logical fallacy here is argumentum ad verecundiam containing a soupçon of non sequitur - it doesn't logically, necessarily, follow that Starfleet's judgment is reliable in this matter. Which is ironic, given that a video which has evidently so lamentably misled a generation of American youths concludes with an appeal to the authority of the Philosophical Society. Rethink - that would be best.
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Back in 1985 when Bjarne gave me (in Copenhagen) a tape with the 0.9 C++ translator (not compiler) he had renamed it "C++" from "C with Classes". There was no C+.

Small world. Doesn't seem that long ago, and yet in 1985 I wouldn't have been able to email you, text you, or have such entertaining forum debates. In fact, the internet barely existed. I certainly didn't have a mobile phone. Fax machines were still quite exciting, if I recall.

Apparently, in 1985, there were only 2000 host connections:

Scary for us old timers - have you tried explaining to anyone under thirty how the pre-web world worked at all?
Small world. Doesn't seem that long ago, and yet in 1985 I wouldn't have been able to email you, text you, or have such entertaining forum debates. In fact, the internet barely existed. I certainly didn't have a mobile phone. Fax machines were still quite exciting, if I recall.

Actually, you could have. There was UUCP and USENET, and I was on both (I used to be mcvax!penet!julf - remember bang paths?). I was actually running the gateway node of Finland in those days.

Here is the European net map (I was "penet"):
Another logical fallacy is: all async USB DACs are immune to external influence.

You might not consider it to be true, but it's not a fallacy because it's not an argument (A leads to B), just a statement (A is).

Give me a moment alone with any async USB DAC and a sledgehammer and I will prove that statement wrong for you :)
I wonder where they are now?

A lot of us running European sites got together, formed EUnet (the first pan-European ISP), then sold out to Qwest, who used their European assets to set up a joint venture with KPN - and the resulting cultural disaster went spectacularly bankrupt in 2002.

Rick Adams from seismo set up UUNET, that similarly sold out to MFS that got acquired by WorldCom (and we remember what happened to them too).

Anyone for Usenet Reunited?

I guess that is called Google Groups :)
ah... UUDECODE, never needed to sneak a peek at the top shelf ever again...
ah... UUDECODE, never needed to sneak a peek at the top shelf ever again...

True. But that was mainly in the *.binaries goups, and blocked those groups... And there was the max messages per day limit too... All the hassle to try to keep the traditional paper publishing industry in business - and so futile, considering that horrible invention, HTML...
I'd developed horned callouses that protected me from the deluge of 'jesus no' when HTML came along forged in the bubbling vats of Windy City, Fidonet all the BBSes on dial up that never really spoke to each other -- if you wanted filth you really had to be a geek to get at it, you had to work hard for your blurry gamma saturated scan of a specialist 1970s magazine... Uucp to uucp gateways were cranky enough to make you see just how teetering on the edge the pre-internet always was. Absolutely no trust in it to stay up, then or now.

Had we only known that a well made USB cable was the answer to all our woes... It would have set back the illegal re-distribution of 70s smut by at least 30 minutes...
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