
Ukraine V

Harsh words of condemnation have no effect on Russia, Ukraine is being destroyed and only kept on life-support by its friends. I have no answer, it is far too complicated. I do not think Ukraine, in spite of the supreme bravery of its people, can survive this. Please tell me I am wrong.
I cannot tell if this is sarcasm or not.

I have no doubt this is sarcasm.

Truth is one the first casualties in the rise of fascism, or so I’ve read. Biden is not fascist. He expressed caution yesterday and said wait for the evidence. Today he is simply telling the truth.

This was a tragic accident, but it is not Ukraine’s fault for trying/failing to shoot down a Russian missile attack. That blame is Russia’s alone.
I am surprised we don't have @anubisgrau here to weigh in!

He has been clamoring for more damage to NATO for a long time.

True, sadly that the most deserved loss for Russia will not be followed by the similarly much deserved punishment for NATO or better put US/UK. That would be the best outcome for the world, but we are not that lucky.

Victory over Russia and NATO support for Ukraine can not suppress all the criminal activities US/UK were historically engaged and not so long ago. The whole migration from Middle East and Afghanistan into Europe is more or less a consequence of the wars you have led there.
There was some bloke on here not long ago arguing that we should reinstate the Iron Curtain and hand back to Russian control any countries/territories that Putin fancied, to stop him feeling 'anxious'.
There was some bloke on here not long ago arguing that we should reinstate the Iron Curtain and hand back to Russian control any countries/territories that Putin fancied, to stop him feeling 'anxious'.
I feel things would have turned out differently if Brenda had reached out more to him pastorally on his state visit in 2003. Phil could have organised some four in hand bonding, avoiding why Vova’s party had bayoneted his great aunt to death in 1918 and instead asking him where’s the worst place he’d been bitten while riding bare back in Siberia with Shoigu.
According to C4 News, Zelensky is still insisting it was a Russian missile, not a Ukrainian one.

Not sure making loose, unevidenced statements like this is a good thing when the potential consequence is a major escalation... and nuclear war (maybe).

Let the investigators do their jobs and down with this sort of thing:


Incidentally, my earlier post was sarcastic. Got a bit fed up with seeing fellow lefties being described as "Putin apologists" by armchair generals with hard-ons for nuclear oblivion, merely for insisting that we should not rush to conclusions.

Keep calm, carry on, and (touch wood) we won't all get blown to kingdom come.

