
UK General Election 2017 (Part IV) - Results Night

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This is a complete insult to Thelma & Louise.

Neither of them is getting any younger so I do hope their tickers are holding up.

Indeed can we have one of those "safe" buttons like Facebook did for the London attacks?

Just for known Tory voters, that we've all known and loved for many years, on today of all days.

A "Nothing's Changed!!!" emoji might be suffice.
It's easy. We do a Norway—something the Leave campaign said many times they wanted.

Out of the EU, inside the Single market and customs untion etc. No worries about Ireland, Gibraltar or tariffs.

Everyone a winner and a compromise for most of the 100%

Wouldn’t it be terrible if we were really like Norway and Switzerland? Really? They’re rich. They’re happy. They’re self-governing
Nigel Farage, Ukip leader

Absolutely nobody is talking about threatening our place in the Single Market
Daniel Hannan MEP


Stephen, I just suggested the Norway model in the para you didn't quote.

I think there's a good chance this will happen now, but you have to know it's really going to upset a lot of people who voted Leave, despite the quotes you managed to dig up, mostly from those of the having-cake-and-eating-it persuasion.

The one thing it won't be is easy.
Stephen, I just suggested the Norway model in the para you didn't quote.

I think there's a good chance this will happen now, but you have to know it's really going to upset a lot of people who voted Leave, despite the quotes you managed to dig up, mostly from those of the having-cake-and-eating-it persuasion.

The one thing it won't be is easy.

Sorry—brain fart! I apologise for not seeing that.

I reckon 48% would go for a Norway (obvs) and I'm sure a large proportion of leave voters would be happy if it was called the 'British option'.

I believe it will come to mass protests to revoke Article 50 as the economy crashes.

Still selling the scare stories, it didn't happen then and it wont happen now.
Get over it you lost the ref and the ge.

Corbyn made promises he could never and won't have to keep.

He's basically deceived the young and inexperienced into voting for Labour in return for absolutely nothing.

He's proved himself a self centred wrecker, achieving nothing but division and chaos.

And you wouldn't have known it but he also lost, falling some 65 seats short of a mandate.

The tabloids got him absolutely right, he's taken the youth vote for a ride to nowhere.
LOL, the Tory delusion runs deep!

PS We are pointing and laughing at your failing Brexit and lame-duck government, just in case it wasn't obvious! ;-)
Still selling the scare stories, it didn't happen then and it wont happen now.
Get over it you lost the ref and the ge.

Corbyn made promises he could never and won't have to keep.

He's basically deceived the young and inexperienced into voting for Labour in return for absolutely nothing.

He's proved himself a self centred wrecker, achieving nothing but division and chaos.

And you wouldn't have known it but he also lost, falling some 65 seats short of a mandate.

The tabloids got him absolutely right, he's taken the youth vote for a ride to nowhere.

Not a clue
Can the UK can afford a 'Norway' ? Norway has perhaps the largest Sovereign Wealth Fund in the world.
Or does it just mean payments, rights and obligations all remain the same but the UK has no place or influence in the EU ? I can't see Brexiteers accepting that at all.
I believe it will come to mass protests to revoke Article 50 as the economy crashes.

Not sure. This would need a timely, measurable economic impact rather than a gradual slow down of the economy. And people generally hate to admit that they are wrong, so not holding my breath for brexiteers to change their mind, especially because the EU will make such a nice scapegoat once negotiations start in earnest, much more so than over the past 20 years.

A long while ago Bill Drummond 'twinned' Kensington Liverpool with Kensington London via the medium of used kettles (BBC). Here is my mug! Is it too much to hope they will be twinned by politics too? Third recount to start at 6PM apparently as the counters are knackered. It looks to be within a few tens of votes.
Still selling the scare stories, it didn't happen then and it wont happen now.
Get over it you lost the ref and the ge.

Corbyn made promises he could never and won't have to keep.

He's basically deceived the young and inexperienced into voting for Labour in return for absolutely nothing.

He's proved himself a self centred wrecker, achieving nothing but division and chaos.

And you wouldn't have known it but he also lost, falling some 65 seats short of a mandate.

The tabloids got him absolutely right, he's taken the youth vote for a ride to nowhere.
I love the smell of schadenfreude in the morning.
Am I interpreting Stephen's post correclty? Is this an optimistic, positive post in a political thread on PFM?

I've seen it all now!

I'm very optimistic and positive. We have seen the re-engagement of young people in politics. That needs to be applauded and built on. The right wing press have just been proved to have the influence of a lunatic shouting abuse in the street. The consequences of the Tory brexit will be felt and they will have no-one else to blame for their failure. I guess there will be another election in a couple of years and hope the high quality people in the PLP will now have the grace to align behind Corbyn. When that happens we will have a socialist government :)
Can the UK can afford a 'Norway' ? Norway has perhaps the largest Sovereign Wealth Fund in the world.
Or does it just mean payments, rights and obligations all remain the same but the UK has no place or influence in the EU ? I can't see Brexiteers accepting that at all.

I think if there's no other realistic prospect of an orderly Brexit and the EU27 would agree to EEA then Brexitiers might just have to accept it. Plus a lot of people will have twigged by now that those eager Brexitiers were people like Paul Nuttall.

Would be pretty sure the Tories would have to kick out May first.
I'm very optimistic and positive. We have seen the re-engagement of young people in politics. That needs to be built on. The right wing press have just been proved to have the influence of a lunatic shouting abuse in the street. The consequences of the Tory brexit will be felt and they will have no-one to blame for their failure. I guess there will be another election in a couple of years and hope the high quality people in the PLP will now have the grace to align behind Corbyn. When that happens we will have a socialist government :)

But if there is a hard Brexit (looking more likely now) before all that ?
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