
Ugly hi-fi

You could always pick out a nice cabinet of sorts... something that she likes the look of and that hides the hifi. She can choose the outside aesthetics, you can choose the inside componentry - fair compromise :) You can both listen, but no-one need see what's inside.

And before anyone suggests it, telling her that you'd like to move her into the bedroom, but she's too ugly is probably not the way to achieve the goal..... :D
Hi Guys, I want to move my hi-fi into the living room but the girlfriend says its too ugly. Has anyone tried paint stripper on their Naim kit?. . . I dont know what i could do about the AA5 cdp though. Silver coloured plastic spray?

She's right, it is ugly, and I haven't even seen it.

I'd recommend a nice sony system for Dixons. Much easier on the eyes. And it has that new DAB thing thats digital, so it must be better.

Send her round my house - I'll introduce her to my new loudspeakers (currently in nude mdf with a few unseemly white streaks - glue, before anyone gets the wrong idea). It may make her realise she's getting off lightly with a pair of Kans - though I can see her point on that one.

I like the two vaginas thing. Who needs hifi with that to play with.

