
Twitter bought by Elon Musk

There is a story on (here) about new, exciting developments in Musk's information pollution project.

Musk's AI chatbot, Grok - dubbed by Musk 'a maximum truth-seeking AI' (The Verge) - created a completely fictional summary and headline about Iran attacking Israel and then amplified it. (Cool! Free Speech! Go Elon!)

It looks like Grok picked up on disinformation seeded by cult-of-Elon blue-checks (Cool! Free Speech! Go Elon!). Grok got excited by the 'breaking news', and used Twitter/X to amplify it, putting it in the 'trending' list of the platform's 'Explore' section under Grok's own headline and summary. (Cool! Free Speech! Go Elon!)

Twitter's 'curation team' - the humans that would have fact-checked this story, and stopped this from appearing in 'trending' topics, or who otherwise would have written an accurate headline and summary - were fired by Musk in November 2022 (Musk: 'Old Twitter crushed any voices on the right, so half the country had no voice. X simply allows both sides to voice their arguments').

In early 2023, Musk outlined his goal for Twitter:
“So the goal is to have Twitter be the best source of truth, the most timely and accurate source of truth, even if the truth is something we don’t want to hear or unpleasant or whatever, but have it be timely and accurate and where you can really understand what’s going on.”
There are a whole lot of truths here, some of them unpleasant or whatever, it's just that Elon and his pet AI don't want to hear them.
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Electric vehicle ‘Top Trumps’:

Cybertrucks made to date 3878.

Sinclair C5 5000 units in its first four weeks of production (final total: 14,000) (Wikipedia).

Just sayin’.

PS Yes, I hang around in vintage computing circles where folk notice such things!

