
Trump Part 18

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i've long argued that for 99% of the population, using our north american native elders to decide legal cases would be a much, much better and fair way of handling things. i am quite certain it wouldn't take them more than 2 minutes of deliberation to throw him out of the white house.

shame on all the ignorant, selfish criminals who make up the republican party and their official press outlet, fox news.
You need to be clearer on which elders. I don't imagine you mean the casino men....
i thought that would be pretty obvious.
Well, yes and no. Of course I know who you mean, but I guess I'm a little jaundiced about claims of special wisdom for exotic non-western cultures. Like, I'm a child of the West and I'd kick Trump out in 2 minutes too.
I went into that debate rooting for Sanders.

I came out of it rooting for Biden.

Biden appeared Presidential and addressed the issues. Sanders neither appeared Presidential to me, nor did he address the issues.

My brain switched off after 30 minutes or so. Sanders was, by that time beginning to sound like a broken record - a 7" 45rpm at that.
How is market capitalism at wealth distribution Tones out of interest? Is there a continuing trend that finally reaches a breaking point in society?
As a commentator elsewhere said, market capitalism is marvellous at providing goodies at the most efficient price. However, when faced with a major universal problem, a wee bit of, dare I say it, socialism helps.

Capitalism for my wants, socialism for my needs.
back to the american "response".

i've been tracking things daily at the following site:

an interesting comparison is between washington state (population 7.5M) and neighbouring british columbia (population 5.0M). a very similar starting point of a handful of cases a couple of weeks ago, but right now here is the situation:

washington = 769 cases
B.C. = 73 cases

that's a massive difference and the likely explanatory factors are government strategy plus nature of healthcare system.
back to the american "response".

i've been tracking things daily at the following site:

an interesting comparison is between washington state (population 7.5M) and neighbouring british columbia (population 5.0M). a very similar starting point of a handful of cases a couple of weeks ago, but right now here is the situation:

washington = 769 cases
B.C. = 73 cases

that's a massive difference and the likely explanatory factors are government strategy plus nature of healthcare system.
Back on Jan 21st, Canadian news networks reported that BC health officials had instigated new coronavirus scanning measures at international airports, with particular attention being paid to those travelling from China, including asking those travellers within that group if they had been to Wuhan. Worldwide, only 440 cases and 9 deaths had been reported, at the time.
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