
Trump Part 13

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FBI deputy director stepped down today and now "House panel poised to vote on surveillance memo release, as FBI boss pays visit to Hill - A key House committee is set to vote as early as Monday evening on whether to make public a classified memo that top congressional Republicans say details government surveillance abuses -- and has emerged at the center of a power struggle in Washington."

A lot of speculation that this might mark the start of Trump's purge.

A former director of the United States Office of Government Ethics says "I suppose democracy had a good run."

Trump's business-friendly tax cuts and stock market bubble will buy him his purge. Life's too good at the top to want to bring Trump down.
Remember this memo is just Nunes opinion & the documents on which it is based will likely not be released (for security reasons?) so all we will have is his opinion of what's in the original documents to judge f his opinions is well founded or not.
Smoke & mirrors, smoke & mirrors
Watch how the GOP treat Nunes' memo as the final word
Congressman Quigley just made it clear that the Russians successfully hacked into different Boards of Elections across America. Then he eluded to the fact that the Russians may have successfully changed the presidential vote tally in multiple states from Hillary to Trump.

This is shaping up to be one hell of a bun fight. That "statistical anomaly" that so many commentators noted with regards to the vote might not have been the "anomaly" they thought it was.
The source in normally reliable however, in this current climate who knows? The statistical anomaly was the size of the winning margin in 5 or so key swing states and Drumpf losing the popular vote by a relatively large margin. That's not for one moment to suggest it's beyond possibility however, it has never happened before and the winning margin in those states fall exactly into the maximum number of fake votes you could feasibly manage to slip past deeper scrutiny. Looking at it from the other end of the telescope, to win one of those states by such a margin and lose the popular vote is an eye brow raising outcome, to win two highly unusual, to win five....
Kendo the whole thing is evne more surreal by the moment. Someone posing as Sean Hannity on twitter has had Julian Assange reply as if it is Hannity himself. Hannity is in deep doo doo and then some.
Hannity is talking of the memo leading to mass arrests of FBI agents and the end of the Mueller investigation.

Looking very likely that this is the Trump team plan.
Can Trump really get away with that?! It is Mugabe/Stalin-grade stuff. Mueller appears remarkably knowledgeable, clever and to be playing a long-game, surely he would have a counter-strategy?

PS If nothing else the fake tweet removes all doubt that Assange is a willing agent of the alt-right/Trump campaign.
If you subscribe to Netflix there’s a new documentary series called Dirty Money. The final episode is about Donnie and his business, errr, acumen. Entertaining in a depressing sort of way.
Apparently there is also a Democrat written assessment. They want to release the Republican one, but not the Dem one. Gee, I wonder why?
Apparently there is also a Democrat written assessment. They want to release the Republican one, but not the Dem one. Gee, I wonder why?
Perhaps I've missed something, would you mind being clearer on what the written assessments are about, and who 'they' are who want to release the Republican one?

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