
Trump Part 12

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Of course, not that long ago, it was the Democrats who were the racist party in Alabama:

'In what (later-U.S. President) Jimmy Carter called "one of the most racist campaigns in modern southern political history",[48] Wallace aired television advertising with slogans such as "Do you want the black bloc electing your governor?" and circulated an ad showing a white girl surrounded by seven black boys, with the slogan "Wake Up Alabama! Blacks vow to take over Alabama."[49] Wallace slurred Brewer, whom he called "Sissy Britches",[50] and his family.[51] In the runoff, Wallace narrowly won the Democratic nomination[51] and won the general election in a landslide.'

was followed by:

It looks like the tide may be turning!

Is the reference to "write-in votes" in the second tweet a dog whistle to his core support? I assume the implication is that these were fraudulent.

This is one of the main reasons Trump is so dangerous. Instead of conceding defeat gracefully he will continue to stir up division and hatred even after the election is run. This is of a piece with his "fake news" strategy. The idea is to indiscrimately undermine faith in the very idea of truth and fairness for nakedly partisan reasons. Once people no longer believe or trust anything apart from what their Fuhrer says, they are easy prey for Fox News and Trump's favoured non-mainstream sources. In the recently exposed exchange between Wikileaks and Trump Junior, WL actively encouraged Trump's team to challenge the result if Trump lost (whether there was evidence of electoral fraud or not). This was the single most appalling thing about that exchange in my view.

Anyway, back to Alabama, it's worth noting the state has one of the worst records in the USA when it comes to voter suppression:

I doubt we'll see outraged tweets from Trump about this issue.
Is the reference to "write-in votes" in the second tweet a dog whistle to his core support? I assume the implication is that these were fraudulent.

As I understand it, no. Voters are entitled to write in another candidate of their choice. This is how Lisa Murkowski got elected in Alaska - her write-in vote beat both of the official contenders. And this is what the Alabama Republican Senator Richard Shelby recommended - he said he'd voted for a write-in candidate, because he could never vote for Moore.
That's interesting Tones, cheers.
It seems that, in the USA, nothing talks louder than money. Indiana enacted some particularly nasty discrimination law, signed into law by Governor Mike Pence with a great flourish. Suddenly, major manufacturers started to rethink their investment plans and convention organisers started cancelling major events in the state. It was amazing how quickly these oh-so-righteous people found reverse gear.
It was good to see the Democrat winning and making Trump look like a loser. I hope it was down more to a dislike of Trump and his administration than it was concerns that that Moore guy may be a child molester. Otherwise it might give the corporate Democrats false hope.

IMO, corporate Dems are as much a part of the problem in the US as Trump. They provide a more dignified, less racist face to the people and the rest of the world, but like Trump serve the same masters, not the people.

I hope this victory - sweet as it may be - does not make it harder for real public servants like Bernie Sanders to gain more traction within the Democratic Party.

50,000,000 Americans were going to food banks before Trump won for a reason!

Do you have a source for that food bank use figure max? This is the best info I can find:

It pretty much agrees with you but I'd be interested to know where your number came from. Also, perhaps a more interesting question is whether the number rose or fell during Obama's two terms. I haven't been able to find any information about that.

However, in trying to check your figure I found this website:

It looks potentially useful and, as far as I can tell, tries to be non-partisan.

Finally, in assessing Obama's record it's worth remembering he took over at the worst possible moment, just as the financial crash tanked the global economy. It was always going to be an uphill struggle from then on.
There was a very good article in the Washington Post the other day that pointed out that local business concerns were some of the driving forces.
Also the white middle classes and black voters in general were mobilised, the latter in large numbers and this approach delivered the Dem victory.
It seems that, in the USA, nothing talks louder than money. Indiana enacted some particularly nasty discrimination law, signed into law by Governor Mike Pence with a great flourish. Suddenly, major manufacturers started to rethink their investment plans and convention organisers started cancelling major events in the state. It was amazing how quickly these oh-so-righteous people found reverse gear.
One can only hope a similar thing might prevail over here, very soon.
I woke up to some welcome Trump-related news for a change, but it's clear that even though Doug Jones won Alabama still has a long way to go.


Bloody hell! Almost three out of four white guys and two out of three white women voted for the child molester.

Thank God sassy Trump is back!

i think i have been misunderestimating the genius of what sassy trump creator is doing. check this one out:

btw -- keep an ear open for the technology we are not using part. wtf?!
i think i have been misunderestimating the genius of what sassy trump creator is doing. check this one out:

btw -- keep an ear open for the technology we are not using part. wtf?!

I'm guessing that's not Hannity's real voice either.

The same guy did few "sophisticated Trump" videos too but he seems to have settled on the sassy persona now. It's inspired, I think.

The guy in question is Peter Serafinowicz and he's one of the funniest men alive in my opinion. He's jointly responsible for one of my favourite comedy series, "Look Around You" although I'm not sure anyone unfamiliar with British popular science TV programmes of the 1970s would get the humour.
Wow, USA Today, which is not known for hard-hitting editorials, has published an article that Trump is "a president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W. Bush."

If this keeps up his only cheerleaders will be Faux and Breitfart News.


They didn't mention, but clearly are angered, by the latest criticism of the 'mainstream media.'

Modern newspaper policy here is to take all sides on all issues, so all readers will be happy. Impressive to see USA Today, a master of this method, breaking with it.
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