
Trump Part 12

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It looks like Alabama have rejected Roy Moore, I truly hope the tide is turning. Merlin, perhaps you can stop you Apartheid philosophy against all Americans :)

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It looks like the tide may be turning!
Good for Alabama. It takes a special kind of talent for a Republican to lose a senate election in Alabama (Sessions' seat), but Roy Moore is that rare talent.

Senate majority down to 1.
Hey Donald is THE man and will prevail given how intelligent and forward thinking Americans are.

God bless her.

PS. is that OK or are we still allowed to slate him and call his supporters ignorant morons on line in protest? Any Trump supporters on PFM? Max excluded of course
It's not clear whether the result shows Trump's popularity is fading or whether it was the allegations against his candidate that done it. Max will be along shortly to tell us the Republicans would have won if Ms Clinton was in the White House as she would have started 8 world wars by now.
Joe, there was that John guy in the US. He doesn't seem to post here now though.

I wouldn't be surprised if a few hardline Brexiteers on here support Trump too. Trumps brand of Xenophobic Nationalism would surely appeal to quite a few Brexiteers.
It's not clear whether the result shows Trump's popularity is fading or whether it was the allegations against his candidate that done it. Max will be along shortly to tell us the Republicans would have won if Ms Clinton was in the White House as she would have started 8 world wars by now.

After he denies he supports/supported Trump, of course.
It was good to see the Democrat winning and making Trump look like a loser. I hope it was down more to a dislike of Trump and his administration than it was concerns that that Moore guy may be a child molester. Otherwise it might give the corporate Democrats false hope.

IMO, corporate Dems are as much a part of the problem in the US as Trump. They provide a more dignified, less racist face to the people and the rest of the world, but like Trump serve the same masters, not the people.

I hope this victory - sweet as it may be - does not make it harder for real public servants like Bernie Sanders to gain more traction within the Democratic Party.

50,000,000 Americans were going to food banks before Trump won for a reason!
It was good to see the Democrat winning and making Trump look like a loser. I hope it was down more to a dislike of Trump and his administration than it was concerns that that Moore guy may be a child molester. Otherwise it might give the corporate Democrats false hope.

There was a very good article in the Washington Post the other day that pointed out that local business concerns were some of the driving forces. Alabama has been trying to revamp itself and get rid of its old image. It has managed to attract hi-tech manufacturing facilities to the state (Mercedes and BMW among them). These have brought the German idea of apprenticeship with them and have worked with local colleges to provide the right sort of technical skills and information, providing better education and possibilities. There are also aeronautical industries, and there is the prospect that Toyota may open a plant there. All of these places want skilled and varied workforces, and the fear in the Alabama business community was that the election of a throwback such as Roy Moore (anti-Muslim, anti-gay, anti- , well, nearly everyone who wasn't a fully paid-up member of the KKK) would jeopardize present and future business. As a result, the Alabama business community was solidly behind Jones.

(Always thought that Roy Moore, like Donald Trump, proves a non-Christian point - not only is evolution true, but also that it can work in reverse).
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