
Trump Part 12

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It's important to note that Trump cannot actually just fire Mueller which can only be done by Deputy Attorney General Rob Rosenstein (since Sessions recused himself). Trump can ask Rosenstein to fire Mueller although the DAG has indicated he would only do that "for cause". Trump would likely therefore have to fire Rosenstein and keep going down until he found someone willing to do it -- i.e. exactly like Nixon did with the Saturday Night Massacre.

Also note that firing Mueller the investigation doesn't just go away. So we might end up with Trump firing Rosenstein, firing Mueller, dismantling the investigation, etc. etc. all of which might prove too much even for Congressional Republicans. Especially once the tax bill is signed.
Indeed, the GOP might feel like their seats are secured by passing the tax bill & perceive themselves not so reliant on Trump's shrinking support base
It may change the dynamic between them although I suspect that there is more unpalatable actions that they want a patsy to implement - further cutting benefits to the less well off.
So there may still be a reason to keep him in his kennel as long as he doesn't break his lease.
My response will be much more focused on the latter, as I think it's very important in the grand scheme of things, it *currently being the only vehicle that can realistically remove Trump, weaken the deep state/media, and provide real change.

Rosenstein-that’s the first step to Mueller going. and why he can say he’s not planning to fire Mueller. because it’s Rosenstein that will end up doing it.
it'll end in tears?

It could end in gunfire. I'm sure a wannabe tinpot dictator like Trump would love to see martial law declared and dawn arrests of his critics.

"President Trump has referred to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who appointed Robert Mueller as the special counsel for the Russia probe, as “a threat to his presidency,” according to a report in The Washington Post."
This is simultaneously painful and hilarious to watch -- Matthew Petersen, one of Trump's judicial nominees, masterfully sidestepping his lack of experience.

It's positively Homeresque.

You think the Special Prosecutor hasn't seen this coming.... it'll end in tears?
Yea, I reckon that's why criminal is mentioned twice in that rare communique from Mueller's office - nice comeback from Mueller telling Trump's lawyers & Trump - 'your a criminal & being investigated like a criminal, now STFU'

I reckon they have the goods on Trump, hence the tone of that message - they're just making a watertight case
Mueller requesting copies of emails he already had the full set of was a clever way of seeing what they excluded - it directed his attention to those missing emails - they pretty much told him where to look for the sh1t - he's no dummy & knows how to deal with dumb lying criminals who can't help themselves blurting out their guilt while thinking they are being smart - what a team of dummies
If that is true it is a superb move by Mueller. This is very entertaining stuff!
Remember he also has the Trump team of criminals doubting as to whether Flynn was wearing a wire when any one of them spoke to him. Keeping them off balance not knowing what Mueller knows already is the best way to unbalance dummies - should they lie & risk jail or come clean & risk Trump's ire - it's obvious how it's going to turn out
Posting this again because it contradicts directly what he said today:

And today:

Liar liar pants on fire you orange dotard.
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