
Trump Part 11

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my position is to overhaul the whole rigged political system, beginning with publicly-funded elections and debates that include the top 5 contenders.

nicely articulated by Lawrence Lessig in this TED talk:


Great - I thought you were a Trump apologist for the moment but don't you know that the 'system' won't allow real democracy to flourish - it's threatens their very existence
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try explaining to the average guy on the street that taking $150 million from russia for your "foundation"

That claim has been debunked repeatedly for about the last 3 years and everyone had forgotten about it until Sean Hannity and other Trump surrogates started going on about it again this last week. Heck it's so debunked it's even on Snopes.
That claim has been debunked repeatedly for about the last 3 years and everyone had forgotten about it until Sean Hannity and other Trump surrogates started going on about it again this last week. Heck it's so debunked it's even on Snopes.

i wasn't making a claim, just giving an example of something that clearly can not be explained to the average person so easily -- hence why it can still have so much traction after being, as you say, debunked a long time ago.

btw -- i didn't say anything about the uranium deal (i hardly know anything about that) ,i was simply commenting on the flow of massive amounts of money to powerful politicians.

He's awake... "The Fake News is working overtime. As Paul Manaforts lawyer said, there was "no collusion" and events mentioned took place long before he...
....came to the campaign. Few people knew the young, low level volunteer named George, who has already proven to be a liar. Check the DEMS!"

That's George as in the bloke here...


The same George which Trump named as one of his foreign policy experts ...

From a Wash Post report from May: "Another unusual name on Trump’s list of foreign policy experts was a little-known figure named George Papadopoulos, whose inclusion may also have demonstrated the vulnerabilities that came with limited vetting. “He’s an energy consultant,” Trump said. “Excellent guy.” The news media soon reported that Papadopoulos seemed to have exaggerated elements of his résumé. And, touting his position as a Trump adviser, Papadopoulos began offering positive comments about Russian President Vladi­mir Putin to foreign audiences. Papadopoulos did not respond to requests for comment. His name had surfaced four months earlier on a similar list of foreign policy advisers circulated by the presidential campaign of Ben Carson."

As I have said, we can all be very grateful that Trump is really stupid.

Oh, and Breitbart story from 2016 says:

"British Prime Minister David Cameron should apologise for his disparaging remarks about Donald Trump – who is now almost certain to become the Republican Presidential candidate after a crushing defeat of his main rival Ted Cruz last night – according to a key Trump campaign advisor.
Mr. Cameron has called the Republican candidate “divisive stupid and wrong” for remarks about restricting Muslim immigration to the United States, something which Trump advisor George Papadopoulos thinks warrants an apology.
Mr. Papadopoulos also blasted President Obama’s intervention in the EU referendum campaign, and stressed that Britain’s relationship with the U.S. would flourish, Brexit or not.

Mr Papadopoulos, who forms part of Mr. Trump’s foreign policy team told the Times last night:
“First we need an invitation… Of course if the United Kingdom extended an invitation it would be a tremendous show of unity and a wonderful spectacle. That invitation has not yet been extended… but if it is it would be received in a positive way.”"
Oh, and Breitbart story from 2016 says:

"British Prime Minister David Cameron should apologise for his disparaging remarks about Donald Trump – who is now almost certain to become the Republican Presidential candidate after a crushing defeat of his main rival Ted Cruz last night – according to a key Trump campaign advisor.
Mr. Cameron has called the Republican candidate “divisive stupid and wrong” for remarks about restricting Muslim immigration to the United States, something which Trump advisor George Papadopoulos thinks warrants an apology.
Mr. Papadopoulos also blasted President Obama’s intervention in the EU referendum campaign, and stressed that Britain’s relationship with the U.S. would flourish, Brexit or not.

Mr Papadopoulos, who forms part of Mr. Trump’s foreign policy team told the Times last night:
“First we need an invitation… Of course if the United Kingdom extended an invitation it would be a tremendous show of unity and a wonderful spectacle. That invitation has not yet been extended… but if it is it would be received in a positive way.”"

Hats off for wading into the "Shitebart" sewer for this. The stench would make me gag.
Don't you just love it when a minor league, right wing grifter has the temerity to make prescriptions for a sitting US President and a European political leader? Soliciting both an apology and a state visit. Looks like the oily little tosser got a bit beyond himself. He's going to love it in the Federal Pen.

I posted a while back about Bannon looking like Baron Harkonnen from the Dune film.
Continuing the Dune connection, which one of these is a Guild Navigator?



That's shockin' -making fun of them folks' appearance. I was only sayin' Mr. Popopapaloupolis had problem combination skin.
Computer glitch. We lost half a day's worth of pearls of wisdom across the entire forum.

The Chloe picture is weird.
Why is she wearing a police uniform ?
What does 'a girl sat at home' mean ?
Is he equating sharing with socialism ? Is he saying both are bad ?
Is son of Dotard a Retard ?
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