
Tory leadership failure Part V: Rishi ‘Infosys’ Sunak

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Yes, it`s hard to imagine that even Badenoch or Mordaunt really believe they could turn things round at this point and anyone who takes over and loses is out as well but I suppose there is no limit to some peoples self delusion and general stupidity.
I think the Tory front bench view is now a version of Andy Warhole- everyone will be prime minister for 15min before the election.
Sunak on Sky news saying that cutting the money going to people on Welfare is somehow a means to benefit those on Welfare.

Such absurdism would be funny if it wasn’t echoed by Labour.
I saw it. He comes across as such a spiv/con-artist, it is obvious everything is just grift to him. The persona of a highly agitated cocaine-fuelled 1980s timeshare salesman.
Not sure about that, in the 2019 election he got more than 3 times the votes of the Labour candidate and a by-election would cost a lot of money for a very short time and likely return another Tory anyway which would defeat the purpose of his action.
Yes, but he could have just resigned the Tory whip and served out his time as an independent. No need to cross the house. It actually undermines Labour, just see upthread.
Surprise Surprise

Tory staff running network of anti-Ulez Facebook groups riddled with racism and abuse

Pretty sure I saw Susan Hall amongst the St George Flags, Get Khan out banner and ULEZ=Scam placards at Trafalgar Square as the PSC march went past
Surprise Surprise

Tory staff running network of anti-Ulez Facebook groups riddled with racism and abuse

Pretty sure I saw Susan Hall amongst the St George Flags, Get Khan out banner and ULEZ=Scam placards at Trafalgar Square as the PSC march went past

An investigation has identified 36 groups that appear to be separate grassroots movements opposing the expansion of ultra-low emission zone (Ulez) schemes to reduce air pollution. They do not say they were set up by the Conservatives as part of a coordinated political campaign.

Rachel Cromie, an administrator of all 36 groups, is a Tory councillor in Haywards Heath, Sussex. Her current register of interests lists Conservative campaign HQ in a section on employment and she has previously been described as an area campaign manager for the party. An earlier register of interests shows she was head of operations for a political consultancy founded by a former consultant at Cambridge Analytica. Cromie did not respond to requests for comment.
Surprise Surprise

Tory staff running network of anti-Ulez Facebook groups riddled with racism and abuse

Pretty sure I saw Susan Hall amongst the St George Flags, Get Khan out banner and ULEZ=Scam placards at Trafalgar Square as the PSC march went past

Susan Hall is a racist. I can state that without any fear of libel as the evidence out there is indisputable. Like so many modern Tories she’s just NF scum at heart. A political party in the gutter.

PS Hope Not Hate link as they deserve support:

Just in time for the local elections, Sunak pushes forward the detention of asylum seekers. what is a little human misery in the pursuit of votes?
Officials plan to hold refugees who turn up for routine meetings at immigration service offices

Awful, pointless, cruel behaviour. Let's hope lots of them are alerted and don't attend their 'routine meeting'.
It's either/or then, is it? Either you can have money to live on, or we can try to help your condition but you'll have to live in a shelter, on handouts? Not sure how that helps somebody with fragile mental health, TBH.
It's either/or then, is it? Either you can have money to live on, or we can try to help your condition but you'll have to live in a shelter, on handouts? Not sure how that helps somebody with fragile mental health, TBH.
Just another step in the long ideological process of dismantling the Welfare State.

The absurdity is that as each of these steps towards reducing the size of the state are made, so the state actually gets bigger.

One day we will look back and realise that the neoliberal experiment to reduce spending was nothing more or less than a very expensive failure with by products in mindless cruelty
....One day we will look back and realise that the neoliberal experiment to reduce spending was nothing more or less than a very expensive failure with by products in mindless cruelty
No, it is succeeding in making the rich richer. The next step will free suicide kits for the claimants.
No, it is succeeding in making the rich richer. The next step will free suicide kits for the claimants.
That was always the intention of neoliberalism, to provide the means of shovelling public money into private pockets. The Small state is big business
That was always the intention of neoliberalism, to provide the means of shovelling public money into private pockets. The Small state is big business

I’d argue this was a step further and this is very clearly fascism.

We‘ve been gradually gaslit into a situation where we are led by a billionaire oligarch elite who fly around in their vanity helicopters entirely at our expense whilst securing multi-£bn deals for their private and heavily obfuscated businesses paid for by our taxes and all the while they demonise and scapegoat the most vulnerable in society. Rishi Sunak in a luxury helicopter paid for by us vilifying and shitting on refugees, the homeless, the disabled, the working poor, the unemployed, trans people, the mentally ill etc whilst producing fatuous arguments to secure further contacts for his family business and Tory oligarch donors.

I’d bet my house the current ‘prioritise defence/security/weapons’ classic fascist rhetoric leads directly into his pockets. Everything that shameless parasitic grifter does leads there. This simply staggering degree of corruption is yet another indication of fascism.
"Those with Mental Health difficulties might be better helped by therapy rather than cash"

what readily available therapy? In my wife's case the time being offered support to actually seeing someone was two years seven months. Not that she has received a penny in benefits in that time.
I’d argue this was a step further and this is very clearly fascism.

We‘ve been gradually gaslit into a situation where we are led by a billionaire oligarch elite who fly around in their vanity helicopters entirely at our expense whilst securing multi-£bn deals for their private and heavily obfuscated businesses paid for by our taxes and all the while they demonise and scapegoat the most vulnerable in society. Rishi Sunak in a luxury helicopter paid for by us vilifying and shitting on refugees, the homeless, the disabled, the working poor, the unemployed, trans people, the mentally ill etc whilst producing fatuous arguments to secure further contacts for his family business and Tory oligarch donors.

I’d bet my house the current ‘prioritise defence/security/weapons’ classic fascist rhetoric leads directly into his pockets. Everything that shameless parasitic grifter does leads there. This simply staggering degree of corruption is yet another indication of fascism.
Absolutely agree. Growing authoritarianism is the inevitable response to taking away public services and growing inequality. Sooner or later there will be protests and protests have to be stamped out.

I would go further and say that our current regime is anti democratic. A pre condition of the neoliberal lab test in Chile was the removal of democracy followed by the oppression of civil liberties, trade unions and freedom of expression. We would naive to believe that the weakening of democracy itself is not the target of those paying for our government today.

We are constantly told “there is no money” when it comes to investing in public services, yet there is plenty of the stuff around for war, party donors and corrupt business deals.

We live in an antiquated system in which power, wealth, and democracy is trickled down.

But democracy is fundamentally a bottom up idea. Democracy is diminished as inequality grows.
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