
Tory leadership failure Part V: Rishi ‘Infosys’ Sunak

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It's being reported this morning that there's a £29 billion gap in funding our military.

£29 billion!!!!!!

Isn't it about time something was done about recovering the billions lost in the PPE scandal?

Are we sitting ducks?

Indeed. Yet another Tory stepping down next election to spend more time with their greed, entitlement and cruelty.

Led By Donkeys absolutely nail the Tories on mob rule highlighting how they are fine with violence and intimidation when it suits their own ends, yet smear the rest of us for peacefully calling out their corruption, hypocrisy and genocide support. Absolute scum.

If the Tories want a war with us then bring it on.
Some protests are OK obvs. Like, when it's in one of the Territories and a Labour Government is facing the wrath of protest. Our activist P.M. Ritchie Anus stands shouler-to-shoulder with angry farmers.

Sunak appeared alongside farmer Gareth Wyn Jones and stood next to placards emblazoned with the logo for the campaign “No Farmers No Food”. Wyn Jones is a leading supporter of the campaign, which was started and is being run by James Melville, a GB News pundit and communications consultant.
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