
Tory leadership failure Part V: Rishi ‘Infosys’ Sunak

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Seat belt problem sorted

The accident prone face of Rish,

The man chosen by the Conservative Party to lead Britain out of the worst economic crisis in nearly a century and a potential war with Russia looming. General Election quick!

Inadvertent ? They take us for fools. You cannot sit in a modern car that is moving with no seatbelt on without the warning bleeps and gongs going off - unless you do something to get round the system. Easy to do - just click the belt in and sit on it, for example : but that's a deliberate action.
We were discussing just what was wrong about Sunak and Unconsciously Decoupled from Reality was the kindest thing we could think of .
Had a knock on the door this morning from local Conservatives, asking if I could fill out a survey. I said to the (very plummy) lady they did not have my support any longer. She was aghast and asked why, I said I don’t have time to chat now but maybe she should watch the news. Told her I would be voting Green and the look of disdain was a picture. I realise I probably live in a bit of a bubble but there is a whole next level of heads in the sand who are in for a bit of a shock IMHO!
No thats effectively the Tories dipping £1m from the taxpayers as a fee.

Not necessarily even that good. The PPE debacle suggests the Conservative Party will happily take bribes and bungs in order to ring-up the tax payer £bns for substandard or even useless goods rather than placing things to open public tender with standard non-delivery penalties etc.

PS This being so widely documented even as a website owner I have no worry of libel in stating it in these terms. The receipts are all out there in the public domain. The thing that is inexplicably missing is widespread public rage. I read somewhere that the money wasted on just the failed track and trace system could have paid current NHS pay demands until 2058! The scale of Tory grift and economic incompetence is simply staggering. The Truss/Kwateng scam knocked many £bns off the accounts too.
Tory economics: £1m in, £80m out (Open Democracy).
The story of the Tory Party. An ex-Prime Minister scoops a million quid from a Brexit party donor to go along with his rent free £20m Knightsbridge house ( rent normally £30k pm), his free wedding reception, free Downing St interior redesign.

Take a look at the last year alone, who he’s taking loot from and how much they’re stuffing his pockets with-

…of course none of them want anything in return

Meanwhile his former *Chancellor of the Exchequer* forgets to declare several million quid in tax and gets fined over a million quid by the very department he’s responsible for:

“The Tory party chair, Nadhim Zahawi, has said HMRC concluded his tax errors were “careless and not deliberate” after reports that he paid a penalty as part of a multimillion-pound settlement”.
The story of the Tory Party. An ex-Prime Minister scoops a million quid from a Brexit party donor to go along with his rent free £20m Knightsbridge house ( rent normally £30k pm), his free wedding reception, free Downing St interior redesign.

Take a look at the last year alone, who he’s taking loot from and how much they’re stuffing his pockets with-

…of course none of them want anything in return
Even if we take the most charitable interpretation and posit that no individual politician expects anything in return for a donation, there's still an undercurrent of expectation that the politician isn't going to do anything that might upset or inconvenience the donor (or their interests). That might be out of sheer human decency (quiet there at the back) - you've been generous to me, I respect and acknowledge that by not shafting you in return. It might be out of an unspoken quid pro quo. Or it might be blatant graft. The point being that, regardless of the probity of the politician, donations translate into protection of the donors' interests.
The thing that is inexplicably missing is widespread public rage

Yes. I guess if it don’t make it to the front page on the Daily Mail, then it doesn’t enter the mind of certain small c conservatives.

If this was a Labour it would be a running theme.
An interesting read about the outing of tax avoiding scumbag Zahawi.
Anyone who still votes Tory after this, does so full in the knowledge that they are shameless grifters, recidivist criminals, and self-serving scum. Even if you try to justify putting your cross next to Conservative on the ballot paper because your constituency MP is a decent enough sort, you’re still enabling this egregious, nauseating shower of venally corrupt crooks.
James Cleverly, a man seemingly out of his depth in any scenario, is the Tories chosen meat shield for the grift and tax shenanigans of Johnson and Zahawi. He did not do well in his Sophie Ridge interview. I’ve no idea how they find people to defend this level of blatant corruption. I’d certainly walk out of any job on any wage before debasing myself in public like that. I guess Cleverly enters any interview fully pre-debased. There is no ‘down’ left for the man.

The BBC is smelling real bad today too. I’m increasingly annoyed about being forced to pay a license fee to an entity chaired by someone who we now find actively funded Britain Trump and therefore the alt-right extremism of the modern Tory party. This is not the act of an allegedly “impartial” broadcaster.
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