
Top 5 regrets of the dying...

Seeker. Last week I collected my boxes and boxes of CDs that have been in storage for nearly a year, and filling my new shelves with them with the help of my daughter I found my Orbital CDs for the first time in maybe 3 years. I intentionally kept them out and have been playing them.

Fortunately I'm not dying (that I know of) and have survived regretting misplacing my Orbital CDs and have managed to put things right...and what a coincidence.


But......I was quoting Teh Butthole Surfers. :D

But......I was quoting Teh Butthole Surfers. :D

I didn't know the sample came from The Butthole Surfers. If anything it sounds more like Negativland.

Which also reminds me of Michael Jackson


Gosh...there are so many things to listen to again before I die
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Last night sitting around the dinner table we thrashed out where we all want to go on holiday this year, and the kids want to go to different places and we suddenly became aware that we probably have only 4 or 5 family holidays until our eldest doesn't want to come with us any more.

Big wake-up call there. Time to start saving to get as many holidays in as possible so we can all go together.
the funny thing about regret is that it's better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven't done. And by the way, if you see your mom this weekend, will you be sure and tell her SATAN! SATAN! SATAN!

Well done for posting that, I wondered about posting it and thought it would be a bit obscure.

Mick would have got it of course, I bet his white gloves and glow sticks make an appearance at every Lodge disco.
Last night sitting around the dinner table we thrashed out where we all want to go on holiday this year, and the kids want to go to different places and we suddenly became aware that we probably have only 4 or 5 family holidays until our eldest doesn't want to come with us any more.

Big wake-up call there. Time to start saving to get as many holidays in as possible so we can all go together.

So. Four years on how did that go?

Our kids are now 36 and 31.

They don't need us anymore.

Apart from babysitting.

This thread must have been before I swum into pfm.

Having witnessed the deaths of literally hundreds of people in the hospices and oncology units I have had the honour to work in, I can say that not many people discuss any regrets they might have had.
I have had umpteen conversations with people about death and dying, but it is rare for someone to bring up any regrets they may have.

If I had asked directly, I am sure some folks would have told me their regrets.
I am also sure that it is not necessarily good practice to ask a dying person if they have regrets.
There are people who do not want to talk about what is clearly happening to them at all,
the same goes for relatives and loved ones of the dying person.

I have a lot of strong memories regarding caring for people who are dying and their families/friends. Mostly positive, some negative, none for publication.
This thread must have been before I swum into pfm.

Having witnessed the deaths of literally hundreds of people in the hospices and oncology units I have had the honour to work in, I can say that not many people discuss any regrets they might have had.
I have had umpteen conversations with people about death and dying, but it is rare for someone to bring up any regrets they may have.

If I had asked directly, I am sure some folks would have told me their regrets.
I am also sure that it is not necessarily good practice to ask a dying person if they have regrets.
There are people who do not want to talk about what is clearly happening to them at all,
the same goes for relatives and loved ones of the dying person.

I have a lot of strong memories regarding caring for people who are dying and their families/friends. Mostly positive, some negative, none for publication.

wonderful , agreed . it is indeed a WONDERFUL privelige to enable folks to die in peace and dignity . not always possible but if it is then its good
as you say , its not appropriate to ask if they have any regrets
wonderful , agreed . it is indeed a WONDERFUL privelige to enable folks to die in peace and dignity . not always possible but if it is then its good
as you say , its not appropriate to ask if they have any regrets

‘Enabling’ is a good description. Quite an art. The self-exploration that is part of that role changed me entirely as a person. It is a road that cannot be ‘untraveled.’

Did you hear about the island of Jersey debating allowing ‘assisted dying’ on the island?

Now that is a thread on its own…
A close family member died whilst I held her hand. It was an experience that is cemented to my conscience. She was able to tell her stories and speak of her achievements before she went. I would want to talk about those things I or we achieved, not the regrets that we all share. Whilst I was at the hospital I was moved by the amount of people who died alone, seemingly without family or friends to usher them to their sleep. I wondered how they arrived at this lonely place and was thankful that my relative had people with her.
A close family member died whilst I held her hand. It was an experience that is cemented to my conscience. She was able to tell her stories and speak of her achievements before she went. I would want to talk about those things I or we achieved, not the regrets that we all share. Whilst I was at the hospital I was moved by the amount of people who died alone, seemingly without family or friends to usher them to their sleep. I wondered how they arrived at this lonely place and was thankful that my relative had people with her.

yes My step FIL recently died , becuase of covid he had not seen his wife for over a year .. he just said I love you on the phone the night before he died in a nursing home. He died peacefully thanks to their wonderful care but the covid thing has increased this isolation so much
‘Enabling’ is a good description. Quite an art. The self-exploration that is part of that role changed me entirely as a person. It is a road that cannot be ‘untraveled.’

Did you hear about the island of Jersey debating allowing ‘assisted dying’ on the island?

Now that is a thread on its own…

yes i saw that with interest , be interesting to see how that progresses . i think we have had a few threads on here about that subject

this is one of them
yes My step FIL recently died , becuase of covid he had not seen his wife for over a year .. he just said I love you on the phone the night before he died in a nursing home. He died peacefully thanks to their wonderful care but the covid thing has increased this isolation so much
Sorry for your loss. It has been a cruel time in so many ways.

