
Today I have mainly been v3


Pretty much.


Well I’m surprised your tips don’t fall off in the frost.
normally i have to wait weeks and sometimes months for my electrician but he is relatively quiet so coming tommorrow to do quite a bit of work
had upvc guys in as all the windows and doors need attention or are jammed . pretty bad considering its only 15 years old !!

wondered why the overhead extractor fan was sloping , the dipstick who fitted it tiled behind it pushing it forward , pretty bad kitchen installation but we will sort
Stuck in bed for the week with a chest infection. Dr’s got me on antibiotics. Keep testing negative for Covid. I am so bored waiting for tomorrow’s wordle. Video doesn’t appeal, books are meh… keep losing where I am…. hence recent activity here.
My sympathies, Claire. My mother was discharged from the hospital yesterday after a doozy of an infection that was severe enough that the emergency doc asked me as the person with power-of-attorney what my wishes are.

Ugh. But she's on the mend, as I hope you will be soon, too.

A glut of Tumbling toms has had me making and jarring up tomato sauce. Whizzed up with a drop of red wine vinegar, a splash of nam pla, toasted garlic cloves, a pinch of oregano, salt and pepper.
Makes a great base for pasta, stews, fish sauces.
Fantastic day with #1 Granddaughter only blighted by eye-drops that sting every 2 hours.
We planted some poppy and foxglove seeds in the guerrilla garden in The Field.

Ended up watching the film ‘Gravity’ on dvd which the girl hadn’t seen. Excellent film which I hadn’t seen since we saw it at the cinema. It won a lot of Oscars.
Great soundtrack as well.

Discussed the term ‘schadenfreude,’ with the girl. Also ‘minutiae.’
She already knew ‘zeitgeist.’
Previously we have covered hyperbole…

I showed the G-Kid the ‘Crocs’ thread on pfm. She read out various comments with different accents. We discussed how stupid men are. Wise girl.
The developer who we have part exchanged exchanged with contacted our solicitor this morning and asked if we were ready to move on Friday. First we’ve heard of it as solicitors are still playing pass the parcel with our deed of variation. If we didn’t have so much money already invested in this I’d walk away, it’s taken all the joy out of it now.

Cheers BB
yes its such fun. our solicitors spent 5 weeks .... have you sent the contract ? yes we have , no you havnt !!! 5 weeks :eek: in the end they faxed it
as to deed of variation , well we couldnt wait 6 months for that to happen so agreed to do it after completion. it does take a fair while

good luck
Stuck in bed for the week with a chest infection. Dr’s got me on antibiotics. Keep testing negative for Covid. I am so bored waiting for tomorrow’s wordle. Video doesn’t appeal, books are meh… keep losing where I am…. hence recent activity here.

hope you feel better soon
I’ve been trying to work out feline mentality. Yesterday, six nights after Ozzy the cat’s owner collected the wanderer from Marchbanks Towers I heard a familiar mewing…


…and I’m left wondering why he walks the best part of a mile to listen to my choice of music. I could believe that he simply got lost on one occasion, but not twice inside three weeks. “It’s because you fed him, you feeble-minded old fool!” I hear you say. To which I reply “Doesn’t he get fed at home? Why become a wandering hobo taking a punt on finding enough suckers to feed you rather than staying where there is a guaranteed full bowl every night?” He doesn’t go home after a night’s travels - his owner told me he was missing for a full ten days during the period when I saw him every night on his last trip here.

But as a control I refused to give in to his requests last night. After peering over the top of the table to see if there was any cheese left on my plate (there wasn’t) he sat listening to melodic-end Zorn for twenty minutes then legged it in the direction of the village (ie further away from home.) Now to see if he comes back tonight.
I’ve been trying to work out feline mentality. Yesterday, six nights after Ozzy the cat’s owner collected the wanderer from Marchbanks Towers I heard a familiar mewing…


…and I’m left wondering why he walks the best part of a mile to listen to my choice of music. I could believe that he simply got lost on one occasion, but not twice inside three weeks. “It’s because you fed him, you feeble-minded old fool!” I hear you say. To which I reply “Doesn’t he get fed at home? Why become a wandering hobo taking a punt on finding enough suckers to feed you rather than staying where there is a guaranteed full bowl every night?” He doesn’t go home after a night’s travels - his owner told me he was missing for a full ten days when I saw him every night on his last trip here.

But as a control I refused to give in to his requests last night. After peering over the top of the table to see if there was any cheese left on my plate (there wasn’t) he sat listening to melodic-end Zorn for twenty minutes then legged it in the direction of the village (ie further away from home.) Now to see if he comes back tonight.
Cats are creatures of habit.
You fed him - he remembered - he came back.
He probably lacks attention at home but not necessarily food as cats can be greedy.
We once had a cat who decided to spend his time between us, a couple of lovely old spinsters and the local butcher’s house.
work - in the office looking at paint samples for our new building......shortlisting for a SL....trying to tie up lose ends as tomorrow is the last day b4 we go on hols
Had 4 leccies working today , one is an apprentice who made a few basic mistakes which i imagine he will get a rolicking for . fitted one of those humidistat fans which may well become a pitb if it never turns off ... we shall see . very impressed i could get all the electrics done within a few days of getting keys

