
Today I have mainly been v1

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repaired a drain cover , did a tax return , washed 2 cars . one being the neighbours as the other neighbour had jet washed their drive and decorated it with mud !!!
I went for another ride on a combine!

Neighbour was playing his shoot-em-up game a bit too loud against our party wall so fired up Radio Paradise to blot out the bleed though/ turn it down a bit strategy. Fine, Naim Jazz, something mellow was playing; a little loud at first, just to make the point. Then, out of the blue comes TrioVD playing a track off their ‘Maze’ album. Bloody hell! If I’d started using a hammer drill on the wall I couldn’t have made more noise. i sat, horrified but entranced but ended up giggling wondering what the hell they must of made of their normally benign neighbour!
Anyways, it’s well out of my comfort zone but such astonishing music I ordered the cd on the basis of just that track.
Dartboard has arrived. It is a Winmau, and I need to take a black felt-tip to it and cover the brand graphics which my eyes find distracting.
Not chucked a dart at it yet, but I am hoping for a satisfying ‘whump’ when the darts hit the board. Gee-Kids are coming over so we can play ‘around the clock,’ later :).

This might be a good use for the many L.P. sleeves that I bin, cut out targets for the dartboard. Harry Secombe was the last one I can think of. Big target…

It’s wrong to throw darts,
in some peoples eyes…


I made a funny.
(stolen from Jimmy Carr and adapted by me)

Yesterday an old friend came over who I worked with for ten years on an Oncology unit. He is a tonic for me, even if most of the conversation was about death or severe illness. He passed on a few ‘Hellos’ from Nurses I haven’t seen in decades. Gossiped about Doctors :)
His son has lived in Hanoi, Vietnam for several years and has recently married a Vietnamese woman. Looks like an amazing country from the photographs my friend showed me. His son teaches English over in Vietnam, look like he has no intention of moving home. The culture sounds very interesting, the parents of his daughter-in-law have been in contact with my mate and his wife.
They are inviting them over to stay, and sound more friendly than any of the parents of our offsprings partners/spouses.o_O

The Wife finally got around to getting me a birthday present, but it was held up as I couldn’t think of anything, apart from several Bounty chocolate/cocoanut bars :) - I stick them in the freezer.
The gift is a tripod for my camera/s. Easy to use and light. Also the correct height when extended. I also think the digital projector thing that The Wife has for her business might fit on it (?) If it does then I have plans if I can ever remember them. It is a Hama for anyone bothered.


edit: I keep meaning to look more at Photography threads bit on pfm, but keep forgetting it is there. One day I will remember and get some photos up. Got my first cheap LSR camera when I was 16, saved up and all that. Don’t take many photos nowadays, but still click if I see something worth it.
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Just spent best part of two hours filling in a 29 page attendance allowance application for a family member whilst Mrs McC has spent a similar amount of time copying and sending power of attorney certificates to banks, utilities, etc..
Today, I've been mostly writing my will

That is something that we have had on our ‘to do’ pile for years.

Must get on with it. The only specifics I have are which child get which bits of the Stereo and the record/c.d. collection. They all want bits of it all. At the minute The Daughter gets first dibs.

Thanks for the reminder.
asssisting my son to jet wash paving at community centre with a professional jet washer machine

trying unsuccessfully to ring local hospital to sort out care for a friend , probably tried 25 times with no success and no one allowed to visit
We wrote our wills many years ago. Since we're still married and won't be having any more children, it's still good to go. I haven't bothered with sorting out who gets which 'thing'; neither of our children has the slightest interest in hifi or is likely to want any of my music, so they can flog the lot and split the proceeds.

Today I went back to the big Asda in Bedminster to return a flask that we thought was lighter than our current one, but it wasn't. Then this afternoon we went for a very long walk.
After two-and-a-half weeks away in Ireland, I switched the HiFi on for the first time, as it was raining, and I had the last few Sundays' Bach Cantatas to catch up with. I suddenly realised that last year's changes to the system mean I can even manage to listen to René Jacobs now without gritting my teeth (almost).
Had a great round of golf at a partner club because my club is shut for the week.
There is only one single track lane in or out to it and the council decided to close it for four days to resurface it.
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