
The World Cup In Russia 2018

No free kick, and a dodgy penalty. Shame if a world cup is decided by a piss poor referring decision and a cheat. The way the game is these days unfortunately. Hopefully the better side so far will come through.
It may have been a Cup of set pieces but the BBC goal of the tournament comp. has some excellent goals.
Griezmann has conned the ref for the free kick and the penalty looked too close to call when they are meant to be 100% sure.
Maybe the most difficult penalty decision I have seen. He did move his had to the ball, but was it deliberate, only the player will know. I would not have given the penalty since the player behind was also a Croatian. Cracking game, hope Croatia can at least equalise.
Was just about to say we've not seen much from France to suggest England didn't have a chance against them, but they've just got a third. Harsh on Croatia. They're in trouble now.
France did a good job of killing off the final 15 minutes. Thinking ahead 4 years, it’s scary to think that France just won with the second youngest team at the WC.
Said right at the beginning of all this, if we have a quality tournament & final to match I would be happy, well :):)

Have a feeling, in years to come, when the highlights are shown of this tournament, it could well go down as one of the best, great goals, drama, excitement, had it in spades, happy bunny.

Back to normality, how dull :(

