
The U.S. shutdown and the threat of default

If you want to get even more mad at Republicans, watch this:


How the fukc does something like that happen? Were all the democrats out at lunch and someone switched the papers or something?
How the fukc does something like that happen? Were all the democrats out at lunch and someone switched the papers or something?

The change was made by the House Rules Committee, whose members are appointed by the House Majority leader. With unusual candor, wikipedia states "Its primary role is to come up with special rules, to help or obstruct the chances of legislation reported to it."

I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine how many Democrats are on that committee (hint: not a majority, nor even enough of a minority to prevent the GOP from doing whatever they please).
I hope America crosses the debt line. Somebody needs to kick political and economic sense into these would-be world dictators.

It looks like it is going to be the Chinese and Russians ... and hopefully America's own people, although I'm not holding my breath about the latter.

I can't understand why Obama isn't screaming about this from the rooftops. It is patently obvious the republicans were planning to shutdown the govt and fudged laws to achieve that and then keep it shut down.

Unless we are missing a lot of the US news over here he is looking very weak at the moment and seems to have been knocked on his arse by all this.
I found this rather interesting. In this article:

there's an assessment you can do, to see whether you're part of this allegedly growing American centre. So, I answered as if I were a US resident, only to be rejected as a "bleeding heart" liberal. As I saw it, I answered, based on what I consider to be common decency (allowing people to make a decent, even a good, living, but providing a basic safety net for those who are down on their luck).

I once had the chance to live and work in the USA. The ladies of the family vetoed it. If this is a true reflection of middle America, I'm glad they did.
it's because he is a coward and part of the corporate system.


The corporate system is not in the slightest bit happy about whats going on, so perhaps they haven't got as much power as you think.
I once had the chance to live and work in the USA. The ladies of the family vetoed it. If this is a true reflection of middle America, I'm glad they did.

Yes, a 20-question internet survey from Esquire has completely captured the experience. It's a good thing you stayed home.
"Bleeding heart liberal" here too. Yay! \o/ Go me! I suspect you can't get to the centre of that one without a god.
it's because he is a coward and part of the corporate system.

Some may see standing by and watching as the opposing political party utterly self destructs as cowardice. Others would call it entertaining. With the GOP disapproval rating at record levels, the President has virtually ensured continued Democratic leadership of the country. And, he has pissed you off to the point that you say silly things on the internet, which is a bonus.
Yes, a 20-question internet survey from Esquire has completely captured the experience. It's a good thing you stayed home.

As I said, Kasper, IF it is a true reflection of middle America. As the man on the spot you know better than we, is it?
As I said, Kasper, IF it is a true reflection of middle America. As the man on the spot you know better than we, is it?
Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I had the chance to work in Norway once, but I read on the internet about something called lutefisk. If that's all they eat there, I'm glad I didn't go.

@Joe Hutch: Yee-haw! Your free AK47 awaits.

