
The U.S. shutdown and the threat of default

If you want to get even more mad at Republicans, watch this:

Is that constitutional? How can the majority define which kind of motion the minority of a representative body is allowed to bring to the vote? If I was a house Dem, I would be thinking about contacting the Supreme Court.
That is truly amazing. Any shred of dignity or decency the GOP may have felt they had retained from history has been eroded by that deeply unconstitutional, undemocratic and I'd argue treasonous act.
I'd also like to know the timing of that little rule-change to establish if was a part of the bigger plan to push the US into a payment default....
I think Obama and company need to be resolute BUT need to communicate better – particularly to the man-in-the-street – their rationale for this behavior.

What the Cruz and Tea Party grouping are doing amounts to “political terrorism” in that their approach is one of “if we can’t get what we want we’ll destroy it all” and where the “bomb” is basically America’s creditworthiness and reputation on the global stage.

There’s a term for this – “Brinkmanship” – which defines a situation where one group pushes to very edge on the basis that they “know” the other group will fold. This can work if the other group DOES fold, but is downright dangerous if not.

What Obama & co need to make clear to the population is that this situation IS, IN FACT, “POLITICAL TERRORISM” and that the US IS AT WAR WITH TERRORISM – IN ANY FORM!

To submit to what is essentially blackmail would also set a precedent and open the US government to more and more similar ultimatums in future – every time some group does not get their way, then this type of situation will recur.

The current communication strategy of Obama & co appears to be woefully inadequate when viewed from the position of the “man-in-the-street” as the messages are pitched at an audience that understands economics and not the level of one who understands putting food on the table.

Until the grass roots supporters of the Tea Party grouping fully comprehend where the Tea Party is actually taking them, they'll continue to follow the rhetoric....
He said in the video that it was shortly before the shutdown.

Contrived, yes very.
In such a situation where democracy has been subsumed by a minority - doesn't the UN ask the US to send some troops in or something?

Maybe some of those nice Iranian Republican Guards can be asked to don blue helmets and carry out peace actions in DC until democracy is restored?
Bin Laden must be laughing his c*ck off in hell, The Republicans are well on their way to achieving what he didn't. Who said Americans don't do irony?
If you want to get even more mad at Republicans, watch this:

Thanks. After watching that, I went outside to clean the rain gutters and had an hour-long imaginary conversation with the esteemed Speaker Boehner. I admit, though it started civilly enough, it ended with me calling him a punk-ass bitch and him starting to cry. If his shins had been anywhere within reasonable driving distance, they'd have gotten a nasty kicking just for good measure.
Oh, and:

Well. OK. Back in 2000 the guy with fewer electoral college votes got in as president. It's almost as if the snickering school kids thought that if they could get away with that, then what else could they get away with?

Not rigging vote machines apparently. Which I guess is good.

But now a law that has passed all stages and Supreme Court challenges and been signed by the President is being blocked by "Banana Republicans".

Seriously - The "Land of The Free" is no longer a democracy?

Well. OK. Back in 2000 the guy with fewer electoral college votes got in as president. It's almost as if the snickering school kids thought that if they could get away with that, then what else could they get away with?

Not rigging vote machines apparently. Which I guess is good.

But now a law that has passed all stages and Supreme Court challenges and been signed by the President is being blocked by "Banana Republicans".

Seriously - The "Land of The Free" is no longer a democracy?


A certain small minority of the GOP would presume to flatter themselves by painting their behavior as evidence of a functioning republic rather than a democracy, i.e., we are witnessing, in the words of Abraham Lincoln, "A majority held in restraint by constitutional checks and limitations."

However, the inescapable truth, no matter how they try to spin it, is that they are in fact a bunch of punk-ass bitches.
IS it true that there people present who believe this ....
your kiddin me
as if ... @wakeup

