
The Shingles Vaccine(s)

I wish I had seen this thread a while ago. I was blue lighted to hospital two months ago. Doc thought I was having a heart attach. After a day in hospital found I have a bad dose of shingles. Still very painful even now.
The crazy thing is I was offered the vaccine in December. Never heard of anyone with shingles so declined.
What a lemon. It's a horrible complaint so don't make my mistake. Doc says it could be months before I'm better.
That is not what you were effectively claiming. You made no mention of age, now it is based on a survey of "old" people. Most of my uncles and aunts, and also my parents, died 70+, none had shingles, or never so bad that it was mentioned, so based on those figures, there is a 0% chance.

The stats do not agree, annual population stats v. lifetime. The simple calculation from 0.3% annual to 20% over an 80-year-lifetime, also assumes that everyone, ignoring age effects, is equally likely to develop shingles, but they are not.
All along, I have said that the lifetime incidence of shingles is 20-30%. For most people who get it, it happens after the age of 60. It is also more common in women than men, and there are no doubt further factors influencing the risk for a given individual. None of that affects the validity of the average rates given.
I got to wear glasses due to it, and carry the scars forever, from the age of 45. The cost of that v £vaccine would pale into insignificance.
My mate will never have a normal life minus a kidney and so many other things. What cost and as for stats?? He was 38.
I know what my choice is.
That is not what you were effectively claiming. You made no mention of age, now it is based on a survey of "old" people. Most of my uncles and aunts, and also my parents, died 70+, none had shingles, or never so bad that it was mentioned, so based on those figures, there is a 0% chance.

The stats do not agree, annual population stats v. lifetime. The simple calculation from 0.3% annual to 20% over an 80-year-lifetime, also assumes that everyone, ignoring age effects, is equally likely to develop shingles, but they are not.

Why are you fighting the idea of people getting the vaccine so hard ? If one person decides not to get the vaccine because of your comments will you be pleased about that ?
Why are you fighting the idea of people getting the vaccine so hard ? If one person decides not to get the vaccine because of your comments will you be pleased about that ?
Why is he fighting the idea of people getting shingles so hard?
Why are you fighting the idea of people getting the vaccine so hard ?


Like so very many things in life, the threat is imagined to be FAR beyond what it is, and that is my SOLE point. Add to that, the vaccine gives rather poor protection. All this adds up to why the NHS does not plug the vaccine.
When I was 49 I had a bout of disseminated shingles over the right part of my face/head - ended up in a high-intensity hosptal unit for c10 days - I left early when I promised the consultant that I would rest up at home for another 10 days or so. I expreienced little pain, but severe itching which I still experience on waking up in the morning, plus when I am mentally tired.

It is still a bit of a mystery - the consultant thought it was very odd for someone of my age to develop it - I was in pretty good health otherwise. Had verious tests afterwards re liver, kidneys and so on, but all was fine.
I've had it three times. The first time was the worst. Fortunately, in my side and back.

I have a friend who got it in his eye. Since then he has to put drops in his eyes.
Horror stories abound. I’ve booked an appointment for Tuesday for the vaccine, reading the stuff on this thread I kind of wish I’d booked it for tomorrow, today!
In the UK the vaccine is offered routinely to all
those over70.

Well I don’t think so. I was told by my GP’s practice nurse that where I am, in Wimbledon, the NHS doesn’t have any and hasn’t had any for some time. She was genuinely surprised that I could get hold of it privately.
Sorry it is not. I am 72 (almost 73) and have never been offered the vaccine.

from the NHS site

You're eligible for the shingles vaccine if you're aged 70 or 78 years old.

In addition, anyone who was previously eligible (born on or after 2 September 1942) but missed out on their shingles vaccination remains eligible until their 80th birthday.

When you're eligible, you can have the shingles vaccination at any time of year.
Youngest brother had it at 20 -mom got it in her late 80's -girlfriend (back then)got it at 26 - they were all absolutely miserable . My girlfriend came upwith a good way to spend some of our Joe bucks -we're each going to get a Shingrex vacination. I bought her and I Zostavax 4 or 5 years ago. Will "upgrade" to Shingrex when our checks come.
Horror stories abound. I’ve booked an appointment for Tuesday for the vaccine, reading the stuff on this thread I kind of wish I’d booked it for tomorrow, today!
Well for what it's worth I have just had my jab
1 It didn't hurt
2 There is no booster, it can last up to 10 years
3 It is very expensive so the NHS only offers it to those in greater risk. It seems that the effects on the older population can be pretty grim (I didn't ask for too many details) so it it those people who are being offered it
4 Don''t have another vaccine within 7 days (that includes COVID second doses)
5 The chances of a reaction to the jab are small but if you do get anything call your doctor or 111 and get some anti viral tablets (which is that I must have had before)

Hope all goes well
What's an Annual Review? One of the things I am finding of interest is the huge variation across the country in what purports to be a National service.

yes most patients get a review of medication once a year or bloods etc

the Gp service is very varied across Uk . depends where you live , geographical reasons econimic. there are many areas of UK you cannot get GP`s to work in , its seen as a second class service by some medics so does not attract the same amount of folks wanting to train. many many reasons for variety of service

