
The nightmare of living with a "no remote control" amplifier

My Leak Troughline tuner, Aiwa S950 cassette player, CD4se CD player amp & preamp sit in an alcove, behind the right-hand One Thing Audio Quad 57 on 10" high OTA Rupert stands augmented with Stack Audio Auva 70's making the speakers another 30 mm higher still. The use of a remote control is therefore impracticable their use is confined to simple TV volume control & Virgin box switching. Our 3 children have fled the nest & never touched "daddies music" though as babies all 3 lay not facing the TV, but between the Quad 57's in their baby bouncer with Mozart, Chopin, Borodin or the like softly playing, Is that why like me their taste in music is quite eclectic.

Now in my mid 70's getting my 142kg up off my chair to lean over a speaker to adjust the volume on the Ming Da MC7R Mark Manwaring-White aka Mark the Ming offered a remote function years ago I declined. I do use the CD4se remote to open & close the draw for CD's whilst standing over the speaker or to reach over the speaker to change an LP side every 20-30 minutes none of these actions are a chore, indeed they probably constitute my exercise these days...

