
The inevitable Royal Baby thread

Markus S

41 - 29
I like this cartoon.


Seems you Brits won't have to wait much longer.
Is there an opposite to a knighthood? Something that can be given without any crime actually being committed? I'm thinking here of Nicolas Witchell, who has turned from being a regular journalist into being a snivelling smarmy sycophantic little sod that makes my flesh creep.
What I don't understand from the public is that they want the most banal information. Nothing about what future it may have, where it stands in succession, how important it may be, which years it may be relevant to the country - no. Just is it a boy or a girl. It's pathetic. This country is full of brain-dead morons.
What I don't understand from the public is that they want the most banal information. Nothing about what future it may have, where it stands in succession, how important it may be, which years it may be relevant to the country - no. Just is it a boy or a girl. It's pathetic. This country is full of brain-dead morons.

Possibly, but how can you tell? - the entire media is now producing this drivel whether we want it or not - luckily the rest of the world will stop making any news for the next few days since there would be no space to print or broadcast it.
Yes, but the Police have always been brain-dead morons - actually you have a point but bear in mind that only a small proportion of people get involved with these things.

