
The Coffee Thread

Thanks for the reply. I think my tastes are more classic than adventurous, so that is something i will bear in mind. Although i will dip my toe further in, as i get more of an idea of what is out there. Cheers.
Just keep an eye out for darker roasts - for example the Rounton site I linked lets you select by roast type. Select dark and there are a couple which will be more traditional but hopefully still a good mark better than supermarket stuff.

I started looking for ‘normal’ sorts of beans and went through quite a lot of Lavazza and similar before trying some of the more weird and wonderful types. I still don’t favour the light/tea-like stuff but do enjoy natural process beans (sometimes described as ‘funky’). Simply throwing in a bag of something a little more adventurous while generally sticking to more traditional flavours can still be a fun learning experience.
70p a bag? Are you sure? If so, that's either a *very * small pack or it really is a home bargain!

At 70 pence a bag you can bet that the growers are being bent over and royally shafted and at that price I’d hazard a guess at unethical farming practices.
I know who my grower is, I know where his farm is, I even know what he looks like, I know my purchase of roasted beans from Rave coffee helps their local community directly.

I know by buying these beans I’m not being a cheapskate money pinching twat.
As I was forced into M&S this morning - doing clothing returns for wife and daughter, I looked at their coffee range and bought a 454g bag of their Fair Trade Italian Style Coffee Beans for circa £5.50.

Ground and Aeropress’d later, I’m drinking a surprisingly delicious cup of full flavoured restorative coffee as I type. Highly recommended.
At 70 pence a bag you can bet that the growers are being bent over and royally shafted and at that price I’d hazard a guess at unethical farming practices.
I know who my grower is, I know where his farm is, I even know what he looks like, I know my purchase of roasted beans from Rave coffee helps their local community directly.

I know by buying these beans I’m not being a cheapskate money pinching twat.
No. Just a sanctimonious twat.
No. Just a sanctimonious twat.

Is this you in the Hinduja's thread or had someone else gained control over your account, you seem to give a shit here, but not for coffee farmers?

Of course it is. Conceptually human rights can never be a scale according to who you are or where you live: that's the relativism that leads to slavery and extermination, because those people are/were never really people like us anyway.

Economic systems have evolved in such a way that for many individuals, participating in exploitation is unavoidable because they have little or no agency, that all rests with the rich and powerful.

steve67 : Post internet, the degree of agency has improved. The big retailers are scared to death of negative publicity. There was a Bangladeshi clothing factory that burned down with many deaths, the UK retailers went to treat lengths to prove that they weren't using it. Even some rumours gave the Tesco share price a beating. That made them sit up. Money talks.


Two faced or did I merely trigger you?, is the coffee tasting rather bitter this morning Steve?
Is this you in the Hinduja's thread or had someone else gained control over your account, you seem to give a shit here, but not for coffee farmers?

steve67 : Post internet, the degree of agency has improved. The big retailers are scared to death of negative publicity. There was a Bangladeshi clothing factory that burned down with many deaths, the UK retailers went to treat lengths to prove that they weren't using it. Even some rumours gave the Tesco share price a beating. That made them sit up. Money talks.


Two faced or did I merely trigger you?, is the coffee tasting rather bitter this morning Steve?
no two facery an it, I give a shtt about everyone in the supply chain and I know is reasonable amount about it. In this case it's going to be surplus stock. But you go round calling me a twat for something that is none of my doing and see what you get.
probably Chinese beans at lowest cost possible, low quality but passable crop, might not be 100% Arabica.

I notice the blurry image posted by OP says "Italian Inspired" which is a meaningless statement - no doubt roasted dark to within an inch of its life. Some people like that flavour profile.....each to their own.

It would be vaguely interesting to see the details on the packet.

Will yield none of the wide variety of flavours a higher quality and nicely roasted bean will.
Before this thread gets a bit too angry, can I big up our local coffee roaster and wholesaler that does mail order in the UK?

Their coffee is universally excellent and you can choose your roast and grind. I get through a kilo of beans a month for £15-£20.


