
The chaos of Ed

"who’ve shown decency". Yeah, right. Shameless.

This Government is the rule of the masses by the Bullingdon Club. Tax cuts for the rich and pound shops for the plebs.

These recent assessments by the Tory's have been poo poo'd by the IFS as was mentioned on Newsnight. But that's not what has/is swaying people to say they don't have faith in Labour's economic management, this has been a long standing belief/opinion since Labour were in government. There has been polls and even when political programs have done their 'put your ball in the box' snap shots, they all come up with the same answer.

I just think Labour aren't being honest. Like I said, if they favour a large(r) state, then they will need to raise more taxes to pay for it. Why not just state this? If its the right thing to do, it's the right thing. I'm not sure who they think they're or themselves??
That Grant Schapps was on the telly tonight being interviewed by that other Tory Evan Davies.


Glad its not just me, I can't stand Evan Davis. He is so sycophantic when he is dealing with those revolting business t**ts on Dragons Den.
I can't vote in this election, but any politician who weaves "hardworking" into a speech has my vote.

That shows the politician is on my side, as I am a hardworking individual who works hard for his money, so hard for it, honey. So you better treat me right!

I'm a workshy layabout who'll go to pretty much any length to avoid anything that could possibly be termed as "hardworking". In that I have much in common with the party where the majority of cabinet members have lived their life in a bubble of trust-fund funded private education before hiding from the world in an increasingly irrelevant political party, in fact I pretty much guarantee the lazy workshy fops even outsourced coining the term "hardworking families" to some dubious focus group-driven PR agency rather than actually lift a finger themselves.

PS I quite like Evan Davis - he dropped the ever slimey and spiv-like Shapps a peg or two last night.
The Tory campaign message offers the electorate a stark choice:

David Cameron today, quoted in the Guardian:

Is anyone buying this?

I certainly don't associate decency and competence with the outgoing government. Tax cuts for high earners whilst imposing the bedroom tax. That's not decent. 49 deaths linked to benefit sanctions. That's not decent. The deficit: not eliminated as promised. A much vaunted economic recovery that is still stumbling and stuttering and is a hair's breadth from deflation and stagnation. So not exactly competent either when judged on their own terms.

Hey-ho. Not to worry. The alternative is the chaos of Ed. Project Fear has started.

It's like being asked by your executioner how do you want to die. Guillotine or shot in the head. You're still f****d either way.

Sorry for the language, just can't stand politicians and their empty . I prefer to just get on with my life because the day i'm really depending on their polices means i'm f****d anyway.

Rant over.
You're f5cked if you do and you're f5cked if you don't so like all good construction workers I'll be voting for Ed. He'll borrow and spend us into oblivion but I'm retiring in five years and I want to make some hay while the sun shines.
Don't know about that, but it seems there is a "non Tory" candidate in their only Scottish seat!

This highlights issues within our system. Are people voting for the person or the party? The only Scottish Tory MP in the article might be a stand up guy, good at his job and represents his constituents well.......but some/a lot of people probably wouldn't vote for him BECAUSE he's a Tory. Hatred runs deep and even if the alternative is a chimp, that'll do cos it's not a Tory. Peoples motivations to vote for, or against, are varied.
The Tory campaign message offers the electorate a stark choice:

David Cameron today, quoted in the Guardian:

Is anyone buying this?

I certainly don't associate decency and competence with the outgoing government. Tax cuts for high earners whilst imposing the bedroom tax. That's not decent. 49 deaths linked to benefit sanctions. That's not decent. The deficit: not eliminated as promised. A much vaunted economic recovery that is still stumbling and stuttering and is a hair's breadth from deflation and stagnation. So not exactly competent either when judged on their own terms.

Hey-ho. Not to worry. The alternative is the chaos of Ed. Project Fear has started.
The decency part has to be a wind up by Cameron, even he cannot believe the public will fall for that nonsense.
This highlights issues within our system. Are people voting for the person or the party? The only Scottish Tory MP in the article might be a stand up guy, good at his job and represents his constituents well.......but some/a lot of people probably wouldn't vote for him BECAUSE he's a Tory. Hatred runs deep and even if the alternative is a chimp, that'll do cos it's not a Tory. Peoples motivations to vote for, or against, are varied.

He may or may not be good as a constituency MP, but he was kept hidden during the indy referendum as he has a poor public persona and they couldn't risk him blurting out the wrong thing.
I'm a workshy layabout who'll go to pretty much any length to avoid anything that could possibly be termed as "hardworking". In that I have much in common with the party where the majority of cabinet members have lived their life in a bubble of trust-fund funded private education before hiding from the world in an increasingly irrelevant political party, in fact I pretty much guarantee the lazy workshy fops even outsourced coining the term "hardworking families" to some dubious focus group-driven PR agency rather than actually lift a finger themselves.

Well, quite. If the 'hardworking' bullshit actually meant anything, I'd be really worried, but it's just a lot of guff. A new buzzword will be along shortly.
I have been watching the debate gather pace with interest. If you listen to what Joe public says when questioned, (listen to Question Time), is that the current politicians just do not listen. That is exactly why they are not fit for purpose. These people are all in their cosy political club with the same superior attitude & most have never ever had a proper job or a hard time.
I am a member of the local Tory Patrons society and when we have a meeting or social gathering the local councillors get their own table & turn their backs on everyone else, look inwards & whisper amongst themselves. Its so childish its funny. No engagement whatsoever. These are people who have their own agenda at local level, no serve the voters, but toe the party line. Politics is learned at a local level so its no wonder that national politics is as it is. No engagement with the electorate.

It must be time to sweep away the whole of the existing political class by voting for an alternative to the mainstream just for once. We just might find that we have something better. These people who end up being elected must serve the electorate first, second and third. Political party last. Thank you for your forbearance and attention Rant over.

My Old Grandfather said that the Americans usually elected the President that they deserved. We will I'm sure end up electing the Government that we deserve.
I am a member of the local Tory Patrons society and when we have a meeting or social gathering the local councillors get their own table & turn their backs on everyone else, look inwards & whisper amongst themselves. Its so childish its funny.
So why do let them do it? Man up.
Incidentally, Labour have said they will cut spending by the same/similar amount as the Tory's.

There is actually about £30bn (about 1.4% of GDP) between Labour and Tory plans by the end of the decade. Although a lot of the discussion is skewed by Osborne's decision to change the the OBR Fiscal "Rule" to balance the budget in a 3 rather than 5 year window.

This forces heavy cuts to be projected for the next two years and was largely a political ploy by Osborne and has a tendency to cause the rollercoaster effect Robert Chote noted. In particular it allows everyone to have a "tough on the deficit" narrative but to actually do something different in the coming year as circumstances dictate.
What is already beginning to hack me off, is the constant focus on a sort of abstract notion called 'The Economy'.

'The 'Economy' is only of interest in so far as it affect the lives of people. I have stated many times before on here that I have had it proven to my satisfaction that it is possible to have a highly successful economy in which many of the population take little or no active part, and from which they derive little or no benefit. I believe we are dangerously close to that situation.

So, many of the much vaunted 'new' jobs merely succeed in transferring people from poverty on the dole to poverty in work.
It is proven that the stupidly wealthy have become dramatically more so under the current administration, whilst even if the figures can be believed, we are only now seeing something approaching 2010 levels of average income returning. This of course does not return the income lost in the meantime.

Huge numbers of workers, skilled and otherwise, have been displaced from decently paid jobs and thrown onto the dole, or into low wage low hours contracts. Meanwhile, our public services and national assets are sold off, by spivs, to spivs.

Young people get no support and apprenticeships are a joke. We are not training the workforce of the future.

The Tories only have two policies:

1 Cut expenditure.

2 Sell assets.

This is the economics of the lunatic because whilst the short term result may be an apparent cost saving, longer term, you end up with something which is broken, and which you no longer own. Try applying this approach to your shiny new car. Cut out service and repair costs. Flog the tyres to some spiv and replace them with cheaper ones on a rental plan. Sell the radio.. then the rear seats (I mean.. who needs them... really?) Ignore all dashboard warning lights. Then one day not only will your car not start, it can't carry people, and anyway it belongs to somebody else.

So can we stop with the constant focus on 'the Economy', to the exclusion of all else, and start asking ourselves what sort of country we would like to live in and how we can accomodate all citizens in it?

For too many people "the economy" means "my wealth". It's why people think ridiculous house prices are good for the economy.

I mean, look at young graduates from an ordinary background in London. They'll face £40,000+ debts and £450,000 for the average house. Or else £1,500+ a month rent. And under the Tories, those figures are only going up. How is this positive for the economy? It will prove disastrous. How much better an economy would we have if bright young people didn't face crippling debts and had money to spend?

Of course, since this doesn't affect people who went to Eton, the Tories don't really mind and think it's a sign of a thriving economy.
So can we stop with the constant focus on 'the Economy', to the exclusion of all else, and start asking ourselves what sort of country we would like to live in and how we can accomodate all citizens in it?

Not really. It's one of, if not, the biggest topic of concern for the electorate and hence one of the main political battlegrounds as far as this election is concerned so how can you dismiss it?

Of course it's important to think about the country we want to live in and how it treats its citizens but unfortunately, the funds to pay for the infrastructure to support a growing population comes from the economy. Confidence comes via the economy. It's all intrinsically linked together.

