
The CD revival thread

Local thrift shop had a Sony D-5 portable in good working condition yesterday but they wanted a hundred bucks for it. I guess word is out.

I still wanted it.
On that subject, SWMBO keeps hinting that we should ditch the cd boxes and put discs and covers in some kind of binder (preferably one in which you can add pages). Any recommendations?
On that subject, SWMBO keeps hinting that we should ditch the cd boxes and put discs and covers in some kind of binder (preferably one in which you can add pages). Any recommendations?

If you have even the slightest care about reselling just don’t. It kills value pretty much stone dead, and whilst a lot of CDs are cheap now, they are definitely coming up again.
3L CD sleeves from Amazon. So much nicer than a jewel case, resale be damned.

I’ve gone from owning a handful of CD’s pre-lockdown, to 400+ now. All the jewel cases have gone in the recycling.
Got about a hundred or so. Still buying occasionally if under four quid posted. I like to play stuff in the car as I find ‘testing’ stuff easier there. That sounds a bit masochist on the page but I’m sure some will know what I mean.

still got a machine that will CD-R from vinyl which is handy as most of my music is on vinyl
3L CD sleeves from Amazon. So much nicer than a jewel case, resale be damned.

I’ve gone from owning a handful of CD’s pre-lockdown, to 400+ now. All the jewel cases have gone in the recycling.

Me too. I can cram four times as many on the shelf that way (just don't tell @Tony L )

(BTW can you recycle jewel cases? I'm not convinced)
I hate jewel cases but you can always stash them whilst the cd goes into a thin cardboard sleeve? Some of the recent cd I’ve bought come in a compact three sided cardboard sleeve I find very acceptable. Cd in one side and notes in the other.
Jewel cases seem to be very rare for new releases these days, at least among the more independent releases that I've been buying.
Bugger,and here's me thinking that as CD's are so cheap to buy,that I would continue doing so,now the words out,prices will increase.
Still have around 1400,so more than enough for me.

As others have said,a lot of new music is NOT being released on CD,but vinyl or download only,maybe if popularity increases then maybe more new music will be released on CD,i can only hope
I love buying CDs as much as I enjoy collecting records. Bandcamp are usually pretty good at both, and on the odd occasion that they provide downloads only, I'll rely on streaming. Amazon is still a great source of cheap CDs, but I've also have great success on eBay.

I have got better at moving on items that I won't play again (or duplicate copies), because I really don't want to buy any more storage units:

I love buying CDs as much as I enjoy collecting records. Bandcamp are usually pretty good at both, and on the odd occasion that they provide downloads only, I'll rely on streaming. Amazon is still a great source of cheap CDs, but I've also have great success on eBay.

I have got better at moving on items that I won't play again (or duplicate copies), because I really don't want to buy any more storage units:

Proper church that;)
I love buying CDs as much as I enjoy collecting records. Bandcamp are usually pretty good at both, and on the odd occasion that they provide downloads only, I'll rely on streaming. Amazon is still a great source of cheap CDs, but I've also have great success on eBay.

I have got better at moving on items that I won't play again (or duplicate copies), because I really don't want to buy any more storage units:


Nice room you've got there. Where did you get those CD racks from?
Fabulous room Theo - absolutely love the LP racks and your use of space. Think I need to show that to the missus as my idea of how to perfectly furnish a room!!


