
The CD revival thread

Annoyingly my favourite album from last year, Sarah Jarosz "Blue Heron Suite" appears to not have been made available in the UK in any physical format. Would love to own either a CD or vinyl copy.
CDs are fine for what they are - I still buy them occasionally. I have about 1000 or so but they just don't touch records. I used to have a Naim CDS3 etc but the then Rega P25/DL103 knocked spots off it, so much that it wasn't funny. I still buy used jazz CDs because I'm skint and I want to own what I like but having never driven a car I can afford to sink a little money into some decent vinyl play back ;)
Up until recently so did I, but I had a purge last year to get the collection down to a reasonable size... about 10K of them now. Have about 1,000 records most of which were bought before CD arrived properly (i.e. when Naim made their first CD player and they finally sounded right). Have 4 players too although these are split across 2 locations. Rega Isis is my main player as it sounds wonderful and is repairable via the manufacturer if it goes wrong. The rest are Linn and Naim. I cannot embrace streaming or downloads as it's just not for me.... I'm a luddite I guess as I do get why so many prefer it and there is no criticism of it... it makes perfect sense, but I like some tangibility. Vinyl is too expensive new so CD fills the middle ground and is what I default to... it's a great marriage of physicality, quality and convenience in my book. I probably prefer the sound of vinyl all other things being equal, but it's small margins IMO.

Tiggers totally get what your saying about streaming and having something tangible to handle.I have maybe 2500 vinyl albums and I get a lot of comfort seeing walls of vinyl in alphabetical order etc.
My CD collection is growing after I got the new Rega Saturn R.The last 6 months have been buying loads of charity shop CD's mainly classical as have been getting more and more into it.I have about 1000 CD's now.No where near you library though.
Wow ! having an Isis must be fab.My LP12 sounds lovely with a Hana ML cartridge.But on a good CD on the Saturn it's so close to call.Enjoying the CD medium like never before.
I am not down on streaming at all.But just think it's really soul less.
Well as a 40 something I am definitely the CD generation

I believe generation age and what you grew up with, basically setting your preferred standard, Tape, Tuner, Vinyl, CD or Streaming.

I already had a vinyl collection when CD was invented.
Took me some years to accept that media, now comfortable with thousands of disc.
Still vinyl is my preferred however CD is easier.
Space required, sometime a minus.

I can't see myself streaming much, on the contrary can't see my kids use anything but streaming.
Tiggers totally get what your saying about streaming and having something tangible to handle.I have maybe 2500 vinyl albums and I get a lot of comfort seeing walls of vinyl in alphabetical order etc.
My CD collection is growing after I got the new Rega Saturn R.The last 6 months have been buying loads of charity shop CD's mainly classical as have been getting more and more into it.I have about 1000 CD's now.No where near you library though.
Wow ! having an Isis must be fab.My LP12 sounds lovely with a Hana ML cartridge.But on a good CD on the Saturn it's so close to call.Enjoying the CD medium like never before.
I am not down on streaming at all.But just think it's really soul less.

I am not in love with the aesthetics of the Isis, but it sounds so good I can overlook that. I used to have a Naim CDS3 before that and while it was very very good I decided I wanted less boxes so have moved on from the active Naim system (although I remain a massive fan) and the Isis being a one box solution fitted the bill perfectly. I used to have an LP12 for several decades so i know just how good they can sound, you have a superb turntable there. I use a Gyrorbe now as I stupidly sold my spec'd up LP12 in a moment of madness, but at least I kept my vinyl thank goodness. Totally get what you mean about the rows of alphabetised vinyl (or CDs in my case). My partner and I have a friend who is much younger than us, she's 34....she's a total convert to CD now. My work there is done :D
CD is now and has been my primary source for more than half of my life. With over 4500 titles and more than 10,000 shiny discs that ain’t gonna change anytime soon.
A lot of new jazz, especially from the US , is still CD or download only so I still buy quite a lot of CDs. I still find things like ECM records generally sound better on CD and a lot of current American jazz sounds fabulous on CD - last year's Kris Davis record being a case in point. I still buy classical recordings on CD as well. Overall I buy 50 /50 CD and vinyl - partly as I still have an older car with a CD player.

I recently picked up a second hand Audio Note transport ( their "entry" model) which has taken me back to CDs as a key source of listening

A few of my 80s and 90s CDs have degraded but most are still absolutely fine. I can see the light through holes in my copy of Tom Waits' Raindogs.
Didn’t take long, CDs are cool again! Woohoo!

They were never cool, but are wonderfully functional.

Never got rid of my collection. I have around 1500 but it is probably more than that.

I still buy new c.d’s and used as well.

At one point the charity I volunteer for stopped selling c.d’s, so any that got donated got given to me… I gave hundreds away to other charities, and kept a few.
Also a few friends have given me their c.d’s, many of which I haven’t got around to playing yet.

Because I have quite a few, I keep about 200 on racks in the HiFi room, and rotate them with the rest of the collection in the spare room. The system works well.
I have 3 c.d. players, 2 of which are rigged to the main system. They all sound different to each other.
Totally agree.

It's interesting that you find ECM CDs superior to their vinyl. There are some vinyl enthusiasts who are so pleased that ECM started making albums on records again. But I have a few new ECM records and thought the CDs sound much better. For old albums, I prefer the old vinyl records although almost all ECM CDs sound excellent.

A lot of new jazz, especially from the US , is still CD or download only so I still buy quite a lot of CDs. I still find things like ECM records generally sound better on CD...
Totally agree.

It's interesting that you find ECM CDs superior to their vinyl. There are some vinyl enthusiasts who are so pleased that ECM started making albums on records again. But I have a few new ECM records and thought the CDs sound much better. For old albums, I prefer the old vinyl records although almost all ECM CDs sound excellent.
I find, for the most part, old ECM vinyl is worth having but the new CDs are just as good.

I've bought a few recent issues on vinyl - the Wolfgang Muthspeil Angular Jazz record, for example, but mainly stick to the CDs. I have a sense that they record and master in a way that is designed around the CD format. I'm no expert on this but I also sense the same is true of a lot of specialist classical labels like Hyperion.

The only A/B I've got of a recent recording is Anouar Brahem's Blue Maqams. The vinyl seems a tad warmer, the CD a tad more detailed but much of that could be down to what I'm playing them on as much as anything else. I also find the aesthetics of the physical releases seem to suit CD better for some reason.
Annoyingly my favourite album from last year, Sarah Jarosz "Blue Heron Suite" appears to not have been made available in the UK in any physical format. Would love to own either a CD or vinyl copy.

I note it is available from either her own site or Bandcamp. I've purchased CDs via the latter from both US and Australian artists without issue. Only problem I've had with with a Glesca band. Gah!

More frustrating for me is when there is no CD issue, which is becoming something of a trend. I've seen albums from, off the top of my head, Joan Shelley, Audra Kubat, The Milk Carton Kids, Jade Jackson and Fanny Lumsden where there's no CD issue at all, either just a digital release or the option of vinyl.
More frustrating for me is when there is no CD issue, which is becoming something of a trend. I've seen albums from, off the top of my head, Joan Shelley, Audra Kubat, The Milk Carton Kids, Jade Jackson and Fanny Lumsden where there's no CD issue at all, either just a digital release or the option of vinyl.
I remember having the same issue with vinyl versions not being released back in the day.
Sticking to my guns on being vinyl only ended up just being stubbornly putting the cart before the horse & stopped me from buying some of the new releases I wanted. So I bit the bullet & got a cdp.
Now I guess that situation has gone full circle. I would imagine that some here with substantial cd collections may not feel the need to buy more new music & have sufficient for their needs.
I remember having the same issue with vinyl versions not being released back in the day.
Sticking to my guns on being vinyl only ended up just being stubbornly putting the cart before the horse & stopped me from buying some of the new releases I wanted. So I bit the bullet & got a cdp.
Now I guess that situation has gone full circle. I would imagine that some here with substantial cd collections may not feel the need to buy more new music & have sufficient for their needs.

I confess I cheat. I can play files in the main system if I want, but generally choose not to. Call me perverse (hey, I've been called worse) but with albums which are particular favourites, I tend to download a lossless version and burn that to CD-R.

I suspect though that in some cases the CD run is relatively modest; the most recent Weather Station release (March 4th this year) was available on CD while I was asleep, but is already sold out.


At least Bandcamp offers the prospect of further CD stock being available at some point. Fingers crossed.
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