
The 2024 Formula One Season

I hope that those watching at Silverstone show a bit more maturity.
Haven’t you noticed how tribal it has become? How orange large sections of the crowd have become? How nasty a lot of online discussions have become?

But, as I said, I doubt I’ll watch it anyway, as I’m not a teenage celebrity-worshipper with zero interest in what F1 stood for until not long ago.
I hope that those watching at Silverstone show a bit more maturity.
Me too, the events of last Sunday are being blown out of all proportion by... the UK based sports media of course. Verstappen overstepped the mark for sure, but many others including the likes of Senna have done so before and to a far greater extent than Verstappen. Perspective is what's needed here frankly. Anyway let's hope the crowd behave and so does Max :D
Me too, the events of last Sunday are being blown out of all proportion by... the UK based sports media of course. Verstappen overstepped the mark for sure, but many others including the likes of Senna have done so before and to a far greater extent than Verstappen. Perspective is what's needed here frankly. Anyway let's hope the crowd behave and so does Max :D

20:11 into this video:

Senna: going for a gap, Hoping the other driver would see him and give way.

MV: intentionally running into another driver when there was no need. Well, apart from the other driver was faster at that time.

He is far from being a great.
How one views incidents depends on who causes it and whether one is a fan of that driver.

Max barges off Norris and he is the anti-Christ; Saint Sir Lewis of Monaco barges Max off at Silverstone in 2021 and it is thought unfair that he gets a 10 second penalty.
Senna: going for a gap, Hoping the other driver would see him and give way.

MV: intentionally running into another driver when there was no need. Well, apart from the other driver was faster at that time.

He is far from being a great.
Senna deliberately ran Prost off the road at the start of the 1990 Japan GP in a pre-meditated move. In fact it is reported he didn't even put enough fuel in for more than a few laps as that was his intention and made his car lighter and faster although I suspect that bit is an urban myth. He did, however, admit (at a later date) that it was entirely deliberate.
Senna deliberately ran Prost off the road at the start of the 1990 Japan GP in a pre-meditated move. In fact it is reported he didn't even put enough fuel in for more than a few laps as that was his intention and made his car lighter and faster although I suspect that bit is an urban myth. He did, however, admit (at a later date) that it was entirely deliberate.
And yet, if you watch it again with a clear mind, Prost moved across on Senna. Senna moved to his right as Prost moved to block, but Senna ran out of track, and if he’d moved across more, he’d have been braking on the grass etc, so would’ve hit Prost anyway. All Prost had to do was go around the wider line and, obviously, waited until Senna ran out of fuel.

Of course, if people want long memories to come into play, F1 was very different and biased towards Prost then.

Ayrton Senna qualified on pole but was unhappy with the dirty side of the track it was situated on, arguing that pole should always be on the racing line. He and Berger then went to the Japanese stewards to request a change of position of pole to the cleaner left side of the track. The stewards initially agreed but an injunction by FISA president Jean-Marie Balestre later that night rejected the decision and the original pole position remained on the dirtier right side of the track. In addition, the FIA had warned that crossing the yellow line of the pit exit on the right to better position oneself at the first corner would not be permitted, further infuriating Senna.
How one views incidents depends on who causes it and whether one is a fan of that driver.

Max barges off Norris and he is the anti-Christ; Saint Sir Lewis of Monaco barges Max off at Silverstone in 2021 and it is thought unfair that he gets a 10 second penalty.

Q: Did Hamilton weave across the track in the braking zone, ahead of a following driver?
Q: Did Hamiltion further obstruct VER after contact was made?
And yet, if you watch it again with a clear mind, Prost moved across on Senna. Senna moved to his right as Prost moved to block, but Senna ran out of track, and if he’d moved across more, he’d have been braking on the grass etc, so would’ve hit Prost anyway. All Prost had to do was go around the wider line and, obviously, waited until Senna ran out of fuel.

I vaguely recall Senna actually admitting that he had deliberately taken Prost out, in terms something like "He did it to me last year [at Suzuka, when Senna was disqualified, unfairly in his view] so I got him back!" but later walking back this comment. Can't find it anywhere, so perhaps I misremembered.
It’s all here in his own words but I’ll no doubt now have to read further posts as to how he didn’t mean it that way. All I am pointing out is that Verstappen is no better or worse than other greats of the sport and a more objective look at things might be a good idea before further demonisation of him. Reminds me of all the Schumacher hate in the 1990s… even the greatest are flawed.. who knew?

Senna’s rant over Suzuka 1990
Max barges off Norris and he is the anti-Christ; Saint Sir Lewis of Monaco barges Max off at Silverstone in 2021 and it is thought unfair that he gets a 10 second penalty.

You must have watched a different race than most in 2021, but don't worry the FIA sorted that out at the end of the year for him, free of charge.

Lets see of they give another driver a freebie championship this year..
Q: Did Hamilton weave across the track in the braking zone, ahead of a following driver?
Q: Did Hamiltion further obstruct VER after contact was made?
As to the second question Lewis put Max into the barrier at high speed and wrecked the car so his objective was achieved. Nor did he stop to enquire about whether Max was injured...
As to the second question Lewis put Max into the barrier at high speed and wrecked the car so his objective was achieved. Nor did he stop to enquire about whether Max was injured...

Oh my days, hysterical.

Lewis did indeed ask if he was ok, and considering the petulant child earlier that year parked his car on Lewis’s head and walked away without even muttering any notion of concern..the bit you seemed to forget, or rather, not acknowledge.

Lewis didn't put him into a wall per say , he put them both in a precariously position that resulted in him putting himself into a wall.

Easy pickings this done to death rhetoric from the amped up caffeine brigade.

