
Temu Google ads on PFM


pfm Member

Can these be removed? From what I've gathered they are basically a scam website using clickbait tactics to lure shoppers in:

I’m losing so much ad revenue at present I can’t afford to be picky I’m afraid. A combination of Brexit, net nanny authoritarianism and the widespread use of ad blockers means I’ve had a pay cut of around a third over the past 12 months. Add to that spiralling inflation/costs etc and things feel a lot tighter. Donations are mostly compensating at present, but it is not a good time to run an independent content-driven website!
There's some really strange looking items advertised within some of those temu ads, like rubber outfits etc. I have explained to my better half that I haven't actually been browsing such things 😁
Similar tat on Amazon and eBay. Solution is decent regulation that is actually enforced, banning ads is whack-a-mole though I completely agree with the complaint.
I get a lot of hearing aid ads, industrial rock crushers and laser sheet metal cutters.
The two latter might be because I spend a lot of time in the DIY section.
Also a lot of blanks - I don't block ads, but the regulator does for things like gambling
I have to admit I have little idea what Temu is. I assumed it was something like eBay, Etsy, Amazon Marketplace etc. I have no connection to any of the banner ads. My contract is with Google, the ads are served via their AdSense product. I do have certain content restricted, e.g. I’m not prepared to host gambling, religion, adult content, political ads etc, but aside from that I tend to let Google get on with doing what it does.

The irony is every now and again I’ll get hit with a ‘policy violation’ when someone posts a slightly iffy album cover in the What Are You Listening To thread, yet they are simultaneously fielding me ads from Temu that look like, well, I’ve no actual idea what, but my guess would be unprintable.

PS Thanks very much to those who donated as a result of this thread. A nice surprise when I got back from a morning at the dentist and a day out cycling. I’ll thank via email later.
The adverts you see are a function of your browsing habits rather than PFM's adsense configuration. Although weirdly I only see Temu adverts on my iPad and never on my proper computer, so I guess at least one Temu signal is watching lots of youtube.

FWIW I think the ad-blocking horse has already bolted as it more and more becomes a standard feature of browsers and people are increasingly aware of privacy issues on the internet. If people want to support PFM by watching adverts what they should be doing is whitelisting the site in their adblocker.
The adverts you see are a function of your browsing habits rather than PFM's adsense configuration. Although weirdly I only see Temu adverts on my iPad and never on my proper computer, so I guess at least one Temu signal is watching lots of youtube.

FWIW I think the ad-blocking horse has already bolted as it more and more becomes a standard feature of browsers and people are increasingly aware of privacy issues on the internet. If people want to support PFM by watching adverts what they should be doing is whitelisting the site in their adblocker.

I dont think this is the case anymore, or at least where it cannot determine your habits (such as safari blocking trackers) then it just throws what ever. I can only assume the system thinks its mostly bored blokes here, I cannot imagine why. Waiting to get off a train with people behind me today I pulled up PFM and it was Temu with Leather bra and knickers. Hard for me to prove here or to the people behind me, but I have never to my knowledge searched for these things or things related to these things!
Actually one of these less disturbing products for sale. It's like a bunch of weird Twitter meme accounts turned into physical stuff. One long WTAF?


