

Simple fact is if a British company were to have built the 1210 It would:

A/ Be hailed as a masterpiece of design
B/ Cost about 4 times the price
C/ Taken "very" seriously and hyped no end

Of course it aint ever gonna happen. THEY CAN`T DO IT. Just the same as they can`t put quality electrical components in cars or build a value for money watch. What we offer are cottage industry products at ridiculous prices and are then told how good they "sound ".

No one knows why they sound "so good" or can offer or say why they should. Fact is guys most of this Esoteric British stuff is merely bullshit marketing that is spread by wagging tongues and white wine sipping dealearships. It`s all business.
Hi Peter. Those were the days! Nice to see you here too.

Yes, I'm using an SL1210.

Are you using a stock 1210, or have you tinkered with it? What made you switch from a Linn ?

It was Doug Hewett that put me on to analogue addicts, he was mentioned in a thread a few days ago.

the british DID make a similar deck to the 1210 it was called the BSR!

did somewhat better than the technics also (hardly a cottage industry)
my stance is that a rega planar 2 sounds significantly better.

who uses it is irrelevant.

as to wether its crap, hey it sounds better than a philips cd104!
My 1210 is using an uprated power supply (external 20vac transformer driving an internal LM317T regulator), Herbies mat cut down to fit inside the rim, Origin Live Silver Taper arm and van den Hul Grasshopper III GLA.

Kind of bucks the traditional spending formula, but sounds great to me. I didn't get on with the stock arm but I imagine it would match MMs better.

I still like the LP12, but since then, I have had a Michell Orbe, Voyd 3 motor and now the Technics and all of them sound better than the LP12 to me.

To me the LP12 always sounds woolly in the bottom end due to the poor motor (whatever power supply it is fed with). I did manage to fix the bottom end of the LP12 by driving the rim of the outer platter using the motor from the Orbe, but keeping an Orbe to make the LP12 sound good is not a cost effective solution!
you haven't heard of the BSR turntable? I suggest you try it as your next giant killing turntable experiment. All you have to do is mount an SME V on it!

Those are interesting remarks about the LP12, et al. I was cured of my desire for an LP12 by 10 years of my Garrard 401. My 1210 is kind of wonky too, it has the KAB 1210 power supply a Herbies mat, which I think goes a long way to alleviate the criticisms of "tone" with respect to the 1210. I put a SME IV on mine with an AT33PTG.

Makes me sick to think of how much I spent on other TTs before getting to this one.

I've never directly compared a P2 or P3 to a Technics, so I couldn't be categoric, but nowadays find it hard to believe that a P2 can do pitch stability as well as the Teccie.
I wouldn't have any of the budget Rega's near my Hi-Fi ever again. Complete arse gravy, and wibbly wobbly sounding arse gravy at that.
Makes me sick to think of how much I spent on other TTs before getting to this one.

I agree. When I first got into hi-fi, I was so affected by the hype that I bought the LP12 after a long dem vs Roksan Xerxes. I preferred the Roksan, but bought the LP12 anyway! I used to have a closed mind about anything that wasn't Linn or Naim. I remember laughing at someone who said their speakers were better than Isobarik's - obviously impossible since Isobariks were the best speaker in the world! I cringe and apologise to anyone who remembers my posts from those days.

Sadly, there are people around who are still affected by that malaise. I am not criticising those products, there is nothing wrong with them but there are other equally valid alternatives and they don't always cost as much.

I am still staggered that Linn have chosen to upgrade the LP12 with a new sub-chassis instead or fitting a decent motor.

Unless something is really cheap these days, I only buy second hand to minimise losses.

I have a feeling SME arms would be great on the Technics.
you haven't heard of the BSR turntable? I suggest you try it as your next giant killing turntable experiment. All you have to do is mount an SME V on it!

As you know David,when Linn and Rega want a quality arm built they contract it to people who have the know how quality machining and production tecnique.......The Japs. 1210 arms may be made by the same outfits.

BSR was my first deck............Never the same after the merger with McDonald:D:D
I wouldn't have any of the budget Rega's near my Hi-Fi ever again. Complete arse gravy, and wibbly wobbly sounding arse gravy at that.

I don't know about that, but according to Hi-Fi Choice old test book, rumble is significantly worse than a Linn or a Technics (-72/-70 dB L/R). If that matters of course.

To me both the Rega and the LP12 sound pitch unstable (wibbly wobbly?) and the Technics sounds as rock solid as an SME30 or a CD player.

