
System pics 2024

The new finish is great. They really do seem to look like a pair of ‘droids with personality. I mean that in the most positive way possible. I have a pair of lovely wood veneered boxes, but they do not have the personality you have endowed these with. Most fun thing I’ve seen for ages.
Thank you very much.
I'm sure some people think they are vulgar, but the fact the GF hasn't complained is a good sign (she always used to moan about my hifi).

I'm listening to Arlo Parks on my ancient LP12 and realised it was already something like 27 years old when she was born...
Looking good. It must be very satisfying to know your input has brought you such joy.
It is. The biggest problem is I don't have a point of reference in terms of commercial equivalent. Hard to decide on what type of upgrade to pursue. Would love to reach out to someone to have a group listening session somewhere, as folks in the States do.
It is. The biggest problem is I don't have a point of reference in terms of commercial equivalent. Hard to decide on what type of upgrade to pursue. Would love to reach out to someone to have a group listening session somewhere, as folks in the States do.
Plenty of this kind of thing used to take place on the Wam and now via the Maverick forum. Otherwise known as a 'bake-off', for which there is a full section on that forum:

It is. The biggest problem is I don't have a point of reference in terms of commercial equivalent. Hard to decide on what type of upgrade to pursue. Would love to reach out to someone to have a group listening session somewhere, as folks in the States do.
I hold 4 BOs a year via the Mavericks (and for 7 years via the Wam) I'm in Chichester, so not a million miles from you. My next one will be in mid August and you'd be more than welcome to attend. There's my main rig and then attendees build a 2nd rig from the disparate kit that's brought along in a 2nd room or Playroom as its affectionately called, so you could bring some/all of your rig with you. The Playroom has featured everything from a £300ish 70s/80s budget rig through to £200k+ of amps, speakers and sources.
If your up for it then PM me nearer the time as a reminder or keep an eye out for my BO thread on the Mav.
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