
Supatrac: the world's best tonearm?

I would take the sceptics / not invented here types with a massive pinch of salt. A lot of people don’t like to see something different / don’t know how to respond to genuine new thinking and also something that might be successful…….

Related thinking is why we have the government we have, Brexit, general political discourse and general direction of travel in this country (and many others unfortunately).

As an engineer, I see what you have accomplished and congratulations- keep going.
Is it available in the EU?
Yes - in fact Germany especially has been one of our best markets. The list of dealers on the SUPATRAC site is growing steadily. You can hear a Blackbird at Wittmann in Germany, Sound Odyssey in Belgium, and Ana Mighty in Paris.

You can also order directly from SUPATRAC, and if you're not happy, send it back for a full refund. I'm available by telephone, Whatsapp and Zoom to help you with installation.

If you order directly from overseas you do not pay UK VAT so the price is 5/6 of UK retail, but you may have to pay an import duty to your local customs in the usual way. Most of the arms we have sold have gone overseas in this way, many to EU countries. We are open to distribution agreements with the right distributor in your country but it takes a little time as we have to get to know distribution candidates to be sure it's a good fit. For the moment we are happy to serve dealers where no distribution arrangement is in place, so if you have a good dealer whom you trust, ask her to contact us about a demonstration arm and supply of arms for customers like yourself.

Update: we are now exporting with the harmonised code for turntables, so it usually arrives very promptly with no excise to be paid.
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Loved this. I wish we could do more than 'like' posts. A 'laughing' option should be a minimum addition.
Ok, but I've just been at the Bristol show and met many very friendly pfishers. How people come over on a forum is different to how they are in meat space, where you can see them smile kindly and smell their freshly brushed teeth.
Ok, but I've just been at the Bristol show and met many very friendly pfishers. How people come over on a forum is different to how they are in meat space, where you can see them smile kindly and smell their freshly brushed teeth.
So one wonders what turns them into raving, bigoted keyboard warriors who make the late Ian Paisley sound tame, condemning product they haven't heard 😂
I’ll need to hear it for myself, or get an opinion from someone I trust.
Oh, it's good I can assure you.
I had Richards 301, development Arm and RigB 540ML on loan for the Barnsley Wam Show and for about 3 months after.
At one point I pitted the above combo against my Brinkmann Bardo/12" OL Enterprise Mk4/Cadenza Blue (borrowed a 2nd BB3). I wasn't expecting much competition from the 301 combo, but boy oh boy was I wrong. Allowing for the different strengths of mm & mc carts, it pretty much matched the Bardo combo, and in some sonic areas exceeded it.
That's a 65 year old idler tt with a £3k arm & mm cart combo against an £8k modern DD tt with a £5.7k arm and £1.6k mc.

Why don't I currently own one? Simple, I've recently gone through a period of major de-investment with my system, and am no longer chasing the dragon of absolute fidelity.
I posted about Supertrac on the Bristol Show thread yesterday, mentioning that I might elaborate on the Ekos killer thread, but I’m now doing that here instead.

In Richard’s intro to his demo on Sunday, he also mentioned the interest and earlier presence in the room of (the great – my words!) Roy Gandy to listen to the Blackbird now installed on two of his top of the range Rega decks. A rock album was requested by the audience and as that turned out to be not what I wanted to hear I left part way through vaguely thinking maybe I’d return later. However, as I mulled over what to me was the solidity and scale of the sound I’d heard, the conviction to return grew, and so I did.

Second visit and Richard was out of the room as I sat through two more rock tracks put on by his colleague, one of which I’d selected, both sounding great. Then, when the only other two guys in the room with me left at about 4.30, I asked for some opera to be played. My goodness, I was totally not anticipating the quality of what I heard, a palpable sense of reality from voice and emotion along with the previously said solidity and scale. These are my words and impressions – I haven’t read any Blackbird reviews yet.

I did read a few days or so ago, a comment to the effect that if Blackbird had been available back in the eighties then CDs would not have ‘won’! At the time I thought yeah but, even were that so, CDs are the clearly better option for classical music which I now mainly listen to having left vinyl behind as my interest in that music developed. However, after hearing that opera in the Supertrac room, maybe there was something in that comment! The few surface clicks I heard were so way, way, back, below the music floor/sound stage that I found them not in any way detrimental - merely a gentle reminder that this music I was being seduced by was coming off vinyl.

I realise one has to remember and factor in the quality of the decks being used, but high quality decks are always in use in other rooms at the show so that’s a given. Some other rooms also use ‘audiophile’ pressings in their demos, but the Supertrac room was using ordinary LPs emerging from sleeves which suggested they’d seen a lot of use.

While the opera was playing Richard came back in the room and we had a brief chat. It was a pleasure to meet such a friendly, affable bloke, very much coming across as a music lover and enthusiast for the sound quality produced by the Blackbird.

I know that in this ‘hobby’ of ours we can be susceptible to the next new rave product, the ‘game changer’, the marketing, the hype etc. So, what I would say is don’t take my word for any of the above (no, I know you won’t anyway!) but do, if you have the opportunity, get along to a demo of the Blackbird to hear for yourself. I’d say that if you’re a vinyl enthusiast you owe it to yourself; even if you aren’t going to buy a new pick-up/tone arm, it’s interesting to check it out.

I myself am very unlikely to buy a Blackbird, because I now listen to my considerable CD collection, but in addition to the above, I appreciated and admired the clever design, and the quality of the product. Different appearance from the norm, but I’d say the finish is up there with competitors. I wish Richard (SUPATRAC) continuing success with the Blackbird.

(Oh, and this has inspired me to fettle my LP12 to hear what vinyl sounds like again on my system.)

PS I am not being paid anything for this post!! 😁
The Blackbird sounds even better on the Bardo than my (very nice sounding) modified Lenco L75, but there is a quality about the arm that seems to transcend the normal 'turntable first' convention in some ways. To use a car analogy- which admittedly are rarely that useful- it's as if compared to other good quality arms I've owned, the thing just has more power, or perhaps torque, and four-wheel drive too.
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Many years ago I bought a Sony Pro Walkman, just because it was shiny techno-bling and superlative engineering. Never been used and has been boxed up since the late 80s/early90s. I am coming to want one of these arms in the same way, if I could find a decent deck without arm...
Many years ago I bought a Sony Pro Walkman, just because it was shiny techno-bling and superlative engineering. Never been used and has been boxed up since the late 80s/early90s. I am coming to want one of these arms in the same way, if I could find a decent deck without arm...
My Bardo is for sale [with or without arm] in the classifieds, I'd say that was a pretty decent deck.
I suspect that is heading towards libel from Fremer’s perspective, so you need to tread very carefully.

PS From a personal perspective I have always been far more inclined to trust reviewers who use apolitical classic kit. The tried and tested references that can no longer be purchased.

That is a good point Tony. 👍
Yes - in fact Germany especially has been one of our best markets. The list of dealers on the SUPATRAC site is growing steadily. You can hear a Blackbird at Wittmann in Germany, Sound Odyssey in Belgium, and Ana Mighty in Paris.

You can also order directly from SUPATRAC, and if you're not happy, send it back for a full refund. I'm available by telephone, Whatsapp and Zoom to help you with installation.

If you order directly from overseas you do not pay UK VAT so the price is 5/6 of UK retail, but you may have to pay an import duty to your local customs in the usual way. Most of the arms we have sold have gone overseas in this way, many to EU countries. We are open to distribution agreements with the right distributor in your country but it takes a little time as we have to get to know distribution candidates to be sure it's a good fit. For the moment we are happy to serve dealers where no distribution arrangement is in place, so if you have a good dealer whom you trust, ask her to contact us about a demonstration arm and supply of arms for customers like yourself.

Congrats on getting The Ana Mighty Gig- they only carry top drawer kit- a shop l for one would love to visit. 👍
Has anybody listened to the Soundcloud files which MF uploaded? I've listened a couple of times via headphones but I'm not even sure which I prefer. The levels seem to be slightly different so watch out for that. At first I thought I preferred A, but subsequently I thought I imagined a bit more musical sense from B in the flow and timing. So many things can effect that feeling, so I'm still undecided but what I can say is that they both sound very good indeed. It's hard to believe that there is a $75,000 price difference between the two files.

Have a punt!
I have had a play today. Little to choose between them, but I think maybe I prefer A. I convinced myself of slightly more detail/clarity around the bass solo notes and harmonics around 3:07-4:20
I think it’s fair to say A is substantially better than B , not to say A sounds particularly good, just that B is woefully bad.
I think it’s fair to say A is substantially better than B , not to say A sounds particularly good, just that B is woefully bad.
What's bad about it? Both files sound very good to me. Everybody hears differently so I'm genuinely curious about what shortcomings you hear.
First: I need better headphones to really have an opinion on Fremers samples. But with that said: to me it's two really good recordings. Recording A may sound a tiny bit better to my ears. But mostly I am amazed that one of the arm/cartridge combos here costs less than a tenth of the other.

I can very well understand the need for Mr F to wear that rubber underwear. And we all can start looking for a S.A.T. tonearm and Atlas Lambda SL for sale in the classifieds soon :)

