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It was obvious Michelle YEOH! was going to die from the first minute.

did she die in episode 1? how did i miss that? i actually thought she the best of the lot. pretty trans-girl has ZERO credibility as a senior officer. this isn't a romantic comedy.

I watched The Expanse S2 episode 2 afterwards. That was much, much better.

really, i though season one was so awful, that i stopped watching right before the big ending. so you like the jocks in space concept or does season 2 actually fix the millions things that were terrible?


Old tech, apaz.
Sure, but the USS Shenzhou isn't older than NX-01, which has a recognizable transporter.

But I guess it doesn't matter because the ship was destroyed in the premiere.

i may have to watch the episode again, because i have no idea what you are talking about.


It was more that the thrust of the story was pretty obvious from the first minute if you have a more than passing interest in SF—plus she's probably expensive.

It was totally predictable.

It was more that the thrust of the story was obvious from the first minute if you have watched a lot of SF. PLus she's probably expensive.

It was totally predictable,

so it was predicted and then it happen, right? what is don;t get is what. i didn't see her die.


so it was predicted and then it happen, right? what is don;t get is what. i didn't see her die.
Captain Georgiou and Michael beamed aboard the Klingon ship. Only Michael beamed back. Did you not see the second episode?

Captain Georgiou and Michael beamed aboard the Klingon ship. Only Michael beamed back. Did you not see the second episode?

no, i thought we were talking about episode #1. in fact, i was pretty clear about that.

as mod, can you please administer 100 lashes to stephen for the blatant spoiler?


The premiere consisted of two episodes, back to back. Did you stop watching midway?


Well, maybe she gets better. It's Trek after all.

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no, i thought we were talking about episode #1. in fact, i was pretty clear about that.

as mod, can you please administer 100 lashes to stephen for the blatant spoiler?


As it was signposted by the lazy writing I don't see how you could miss it!

More predictions—so spoiler alert!

Michael will not go to prison for life and will captain a ship. The Federation will not be destroyed but come back after being forced to its knees. She will always be proved right even when appearing wrong. Some of the characters from TOS will appear/be mentioned. Mr Plasticine head will have all the comedy lines.


Captain Georgiou and Michael beamed aboard the Klingon ship. Only Michael beamed back. Did you not see the second episode?


Also, she was impaled on this big Klingon dagger. Of course, Picard survived a similar wound, but I don't think she was medevaced.

On edit: apologies for elaborating on what I now learn is a spoiler....
I ain't gonna ban anyone for pointing out the patently obvious to Vuk, but please be careful that you don't spill da beanz from this time forward or I shall curse at you in Klingon!

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More predictions—so spoiler alert!

She will always be proved right even when appearing wrong.

I ain't gonna ban anyone for pointing out the patently obvious to Vuk, but please be careful that you don't spill da beanz from this time forward or I shall curse at you in Klingon!


Calm down. I came in peace!
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No, Michael will be the first officer on another ship whose name is coincidentally the name of the new Star Trek series.

I reckon either:-

a) Things go bad for the Federation and some plan or other comes up where an expert or someone who was beamed over in the away mission in the first episode is required. Leads to proving that there she is a good egg and is allowed on the new ship... ...gradually builds trust and develops usefulness...


b) Just like a) but it is the Klingons that demand she be brought forth in some kind of peace negotiation trick...

