
Star Trek: Original Series • Discovery • Picard • Lower Decks • Prodigy • Strange New Worlds

I haven't watched any of the new series yet as I'm holding out until all episodes of season 1 are available for an epic binge session. I've been getting my Star Trek fix with TOS on the Horror Channel. I haven't even read this or any other thread about it in case I stumble across any spoilers, but in a nutshell, is the new show any good?
It has its attractions, and a couple of interesting characters, but it looks to me like money spent without a vision.

Thanks Nic, I'll be sure to watch the new series with a sense of modest optimism, and if it turns out I really like it, then I guess I'll count it as a bit of a bonus.
Hmmmm, the latest episode of Star Trek: Discovery is solid? Not that it'll have any bearing whether I'll watch it tonight, but a pleasant surprise would be pleasant and a surprise.


Any chance we could have a temporal travel episode, where the crew of the USS Discovery jumps ahead several centuries to Picard's time, kidnaps him and makes him the captain? I'm watching the new show, but it's bugging me. It's not the Trek I know and love. I need some Picard-like inspiration.

Or even some classic Kirkage.


maybe you should ask for more money and a penicillin shot next time they hire you to watch it.
Of course, to be fair, TOS did at least one strongly SM episode:

The real problem being that, what with the internet of things, we are now the collective brains in jars betting on the girl in the foil granny pants.
Just a reminder: I watch da show at 9 p.m. my time, so no spilling of da beanz unless you wants I should pops a cap/phaser in your ass.

Enjoyed 9 a bit more but the bar was pretty low. Shame Joe hasn't seen it as I have something to say about a certain liaison.

