
Squeezebox Touch £134.99 at Amazon UK

Not sure the setting is in Advanced Basil.

Try (on the Touch itself) from the top menu, Settings > Audio Settings > Fixed Volume > Fixed Volume 100% click such that the square isn't solid.

The are other volume settings that are to do with track levelling.

Alternatively, launch the web control, Settings > Player > pick Audio from drop down that reads Basic Settings > Volume Control: Output level is fixed at 100%. Apply.

Thanks, but it has no effect on the touch...

It works perfectly with the duet reciever...

It may be somethng to do with me still using older server software, 7.5.0 r30464, I tried 7.7 but it truly buggers up the Duet display...

The duet remote works the touch perfectly...

Playing it through the upstairs kit, Cambridge integrated & Royd Apex, can't hear much difference, a tad warmer than the duet but nothing drastic.

Going to try it in the main Harbeth set-up... if I'm not back today, I'll report back when I've recovered from tonights bash...

Happy new year to all....

No, I vacillated and missed. :(

I'm keeping my eyes open for the next batch though. In fact it seems like such a good idea (especially clock locked !) that I'll save the rest of the cash for a normal priced one if I have to.

Hi Arthur,

That might have been because someone bought 5pcs...

If you don't manage to pick one up, you can have one of my units (with the Clock-Lock Mod)... Basically, you would end-up paying a little over the RRP, but with the Clock-Lock :)

The fixed volume feature was introduced fairly recently; I suspect you'll have to update your server if you want it. Perhaps also give the touch and duet an opportunity to update themselves too.
Mine arrived yesterday morning, but not had a chance to get it unpacked and connected to my MDAC yet.

JohnW, I might be over on the bike in May (Vernovice or Chudcice).
If you're around, I'll try and pop over to buy you a beer or three.

Mine arrived yesterday morning, but not had a chance to get it unpacked and connected to my MDAC yet.

JohnW, I might be over on the bike in May (Vernovice or Chudcice).
If you're around, I'll try and pop over to buy you a beer or three.


Hi Dave,

Ok, sounds like a plain!!! PM closer to the date, and I'll make the arrangements (hoping I'm not in China),

This isn't going to become yet another MDAC thread is it? As I've said on the one with 'listening impressions' in the title, none of these appear to have any listening impressions, just lots of technical set up questions. As someone interested in new Dacs, this saturation is hugely off-putting, since I'm not getting any sense of how it fares as a music making device.
sbt + mdac seems to be the combo that a lot of the congregation are settling for after a LOT of discussion here over the past few weeks/months. and who can blame anyone for posting about those questions which are uppermost in their minds. i get your point about the listening thing but that is only something you can do at home and is very subjective. the forum lends itself to the discussion of technical issues at least as much as the listening. and besides, there has been a whole lot of posts about people's subjective experiences with these things. as a complete newbie to dacs and sbt, the whole digital thing in fact, i am finding it all very informative and am absorbing as much as i can as i go along. it is all good stuff afaics :)
Hi Dave,

Ok, sounds like a plain!!! PM closer to the date, and I'll make the arrangements (hoping I'm not in China),


Will do John.

Also just a quick thanks to Isinclair for the 'heads-up' on the SBT.

the forum lends itself to the discussion of technical issues at least as much as the listening. and besides, there has been a whole lot of posts about people's subjective experiences with these things.

I've not been able to find these listening impressions amidst all the tech stuff, which is why I despair when the technical issues around the MDAC invade another thread. Not that this one matters much, but I just hope this doesn't get out of hand. Of course we all have to listen to these dacs in our home to make a judgement, but the whole point of forums like this is that we can't always do that (especially when they're largely unavailable to borrow), so of course we look for others comparative impressions.
This isn't going to become yet another MDAC thread is it? As I've said on the one with 'listening impressions' in the title, none of these appear to have any listening impressions, just lots of technical set up questions. As someone interested in new Dacs, this saturation is hugely off-putting, since I'm not getting any sense of how it fares as a music making device.

I see no reason why the Touch needs an additional dac, the one it has is fine...
This isn't going to become yet another MDAC thread is it? As I've said on the one with 'listening impressions' in the title, none of these appear to have any listening impressions, just lots of technical set up questions. As someone interested in new Dacs, this saturation is hugely off-putting, since I'm not getting any sense of how it fares as a music making device.
I have a Squeezebox Classic and it sounds just as good if not better than my Meridian 206B and Rotel 965BX. Basically, the squeezebox sounds very, very good imo.

I've tried it with a few DACs. Bereford, DPA Little Bit 3 and Lavry DA10. The Beresford made no discernible improvement, the DPA did something I couldn't put my finger on and the Lavry did much the same. I sold all of those DACs at a small loss having tried them and haven't missed any of them. I'm fairly sure a good quality external DAC will improve the Squeezebox but I have still to find one that does so significantly in relation to the cost.

I'm considering buying the SQ Touch merely to have a second unit to use upstairs.
I agree with Keith, a Touch is fine on it's own (and for £135 or even £200 you're unlikely to find a better source), but adding an decent external DAC will take it to a different level ime. It is also a great way to get into multi-room, and enjoy your music all over your house. Using iPeng, you can even stream to an iPhone/Touch/Pad.
It really isn't, and an external £300 DAC here made a very worthwhile improvement,

I'm sure it did... but you are hardly an unbiased source of information.

Purite Audio
Trade: Purite Audio

The one I have sounds like the recording it happens to be playing...

A comparison with the Duet:

Set-up is easier, not that setting up the Duet was hard, but entering the network code was a pain with the scroll wheel...

Choose your language:

Enter the code:

Find your network:


And it just works!

One thing to watch for, or listen for... the output on the Touch is higher than the Duet, so careful level-matching is vital for accuracy.

I seriously doubt anyone could tell them apart... any takers?

There will be a prize for anyone that can correctly pick the Touch 20 times out of 20!

I see no reason why the Touch needs an additional dac, the one it has is fine...

I have a Squeezebox Classic and it sounds just as good if not better than my Meridian 206B and Rotel 965BX. Basically, the squeezebox sounds very, very good imo.

I've tried it with a few DACs. Bereford, DPA Little Bit 3 and Lavry DA10. The Beresford made no discernible improvement, the DPA did something I couldn't put my finger on and the Lavry did much the same. I sold all of those DACs at a small loss having tried them and haven't missed any of them. I'm fairly sure a good quality external DAC will improve the Squeezebox but I have still to find one that does so significantly in relation to the cost.

Toby (Grenadier) recently demonstrated how close the SBT sounds when compared to a rip - most couldn't tell them apart and those that heard something thought it was very minor and preferred the SBT!

Having heard the result myself, I would not recommend adding a dac.
I think you can use the Duet handset to control the Touch which is a bonus.

It's even better than that, using 'synchronise' you can slave the Touch to the Duet and they both play the same music.

That makes it very easy to listen for differences...

Got to admit, I was disappointed... it is pretty much unanimous over the various forums that the Touch is supposed to be so much better than the Duet... if only folk would take a little more care with their listening tests...

