
Sports car chat

Coming down the track in the next 10 years a large number of ICE cars are going out of production as the switch to electric continues. This realisation will concentrate sales to the largest volume manufacturers as more and more people become wary of buying cars that will soon have spares shortages. Will make a 6 week delay seem like the good old days.
Will Mazda survive ? Mitsubishi ? Subaru ? Suzuki ? Aston ?
edit after a quick peak at the PFM Environment thread maybe this really doesn't matter...
I wouldn't bank on it. Manufacturers are going back and making ICE cars again as the take up of EVs is not happening for many reasons. The UK and the EU have already put the date back for the ceasing of ICE cars, but this will continue to go back, probably to past 2050 and beyond. Car manufacturers need to make and sell cars. If no one is buying EVs, or in the numbers expected, they will make cars that people will buy, market forces. EV's are only part of the future, they don't suit everyone and only wealthy countries will have them. Bio fuels and hydrogen is probably the way forward but I think ICE cars will see me out. I have made sure of that with a small collection.
Coming down the track in the next 10 years a large number of ICE cars are going out of production as the switch to electric continues. This realisation will concentrate sales to the largest volume manufacturers as more and more people become wary of buying cars that will soon have spares shortages. Will make a 6 week delay seem like the good old days.
Will Mazda survive ? Mitsubishi ? Subaru ? Suzuki ? Aston ?
edit after a quick peak at the PFM Environment thread maybe this really doesn't matter...
Theres an agreement that spares supply has to continue for 10 years after the last car comes off the line. For everything. Also bear in mind that most service bits are generic and manufacture d by third parties. These people will carry on selling brakes, suspension parts, electrical components and so on whilever there is demand. You can still buy mechanical parts for a 60 year old Triumph Bonneville, E Type, Lotus, etc.
Theres an agreement that spares supply has to continue for 10 years after the last car comes off the line. For everything. Also bear in mind that most service bits are generic and manufacture d by third parties. These people will carry on selling brakes, suspension parts, electrical components and so on whilever there is demand. You can still buy mechanical parts for a 60 year old Triumph Bonneville, E Type, Lotus, etc.
Exactly, if there’s demand for parts someone will make them, the tooling exists.
I wouldn't bank on it. Manufacturers are going back and making ICE cars again as the take up of EVs is not happening for many reasons. The UK and the EU have already put the date back for the ceasing of ICE cars, but this will continue to go back, probably to past 2050 and beyond. Car manufacturers need to make and sell cars. If no one is buying EVs, or in the numbers expected, they will make cars that people will buy. EV's are only part of the future, they don't suit everyone and only wealthy countries will have them. Bio fuels and hydrogen is probably the way forward but I think ICE cars will see me out. I have made sure of that with a small collection.
Electric cars will certainly be part of the future. As you say they don't suit everyone. I don't think that hydrogen is the solution, my money is on biofuel. Bear in mind that this already exists, go back to the 90s and diesels would run on chip fat. They won't now, because consumers expect 200 bhp from a medium hatch and for that you need special lubricants in diesel, but until 20 years ago Mazola was more than good enough.
We will also find that ICE fuel is going to have the living shxt taxed out of it, and if you want to take the vehicle into a city you'll be taking out another mortgage.
I do like the look of the Z4, a chap at work has just bought one (cat something, needs a front bumper and headlamp) to poke the M5 v10 under the bonnet. Should be quite the weapon once finished.
Electric cars will certainly be part of the future. As you say they don't suit everyone.
Agreed. My wife has one and for her it is perfect and costs bugger all to run and service. We have our own charger.
We will also find that ICE fuel is going to have the living shxt taxed out of it, and if you want to take the vehicle into a city you'll be taking out another mortgage.
Only if we let them. Vote for the party that talks sense and not all this net zero rubbish. Until China, India and the USA cut burning fossil fuels nothing is going to change climate wise...
Agreed. My wife has one and for her it is perfect and costs bugger all to run and service. We have our own charger.

Only if we let them. Vote for the party that talks sense and not all this net zero rubbish. Until China, India and the USA cut burning fossil fuels nothing is going to change climate wise...
And it we don't blink first, everyone else will wait for someone else to chicken out until it's too late. I recently finished, or more correctly didn't finish, a business culture change programme where the senior management wanted dramatic change. I set out the strategy in the usual way, same as the one before and the one before that. Except this time the senior management wanted dramatic change without changing their own behaviour. Nope. Do as I say, not as I do? Doesn't work.
Well maybe... a sign of the times is one of the best sports saloons (Alfa Giulia Quadrifoglio) going electric next year. Will there be all parts for the legacy ICE car in 2035 ? Hmmm...
As someone who worked inside the auto industry. I'm quite certain EV's are much easier to manufacture/assemble. Engine is just one moving part and you certainly don't have to make it yourself, the customer won't know the difference anyway. No gearbox, even easier. Buy batteries from an outside supplier and everything else is as usual, seats (no one makes the seats themselves), dash, etc, etc, same.

This bodes well for small manufacturers.
And it we don't blink first, everyone else will wait for someone else to chicken out until it's too late. I recently finished, or more correctly didn't finish, a business culture change programme where the senior management wanted dramatic change. I set out the strategy in the usual way, same as the one before and the one before that. Except this time the senior management wanted dramatic change without changing their own behaviour. Nope. Do as I say, not as I do? Doesn't work.
I don't have a problem with the change, but when the offering doesn't suit everyones needs and when the tech is not advanced enough and when the infrastructure isn't in place, or not enough of it, it simply doesn't make sence. OK, if you live in the city, or a large town and are lucky to have you own charger and don't have to travel very far, then fine EVs will work for you, but for a lot of people's situation the current offerings are not suitable and also are way too expensive. Plus you have dumb blinkered politicians who are only looking at one option and won't listen to the experts...
I don't have a problem with the change, but when the offering doesn't suit everyones needs and when the tech is not advanced enough and when the infrastructure isn't in place, or not enough of it, it simply doesn't make sence. OK, if you live in the city, or a large town and are lucky to have you own charger and don't have to travel very far, then fine EVs will work for you, but for a lot of people's situation the current offerings are not suitable and also are way too expensive. Plus you have dumb blinkered politicians who are only looking at one option and won't listen to the experts...
The majority of journeys are rather short, EVs can & will work for the vast majority. Can’t say I’m massively attracted to them either but change happens quickly.

I love these. Beautiful colour too 😍
The majority of journeys are rather short, EVs can & will work for the vast majority. Can’t say I’m massively attracted to them either but change happens quickly.
There are far too many issues with the current offerings, plus they are far too expensive and there is not enough infrastructure. Change will only happen if people buy into this and at the moment it is not happening, EV sales are down and the depreciation on relatively new EV's has dropped through the floor. Used ones are going for peanuts at the car auctions as no one wants them. Manufacturers have fields full of unsold EVs. I have spoken to dealers who have taken back EVs from customers and sold them ICE cars as they won't put up with the range anxiety and all the extra hassle of charging them.
There are far too many issues with the current offerings, plus they are far too expensive and there is not enough infrastructure. Change will only happen if people buy into this and at the moment it is not happening, EV sales are down and the depreciation on relatively new EV's has dropped through the floor. Used ones are going for peanuts at the car auctions as no one wants them. Manufacturers have fields full of unsold EVs. I have spoken to dealers who have taken back EVs from customers and sold them ICE cars as they won't put up with the range anxiety and all the extra hassle of charging them.

As an example, there’s a choice of Porsches Taycans out there, under five years old, average mileage, under £45k. That’s a 4.0 second 0-60 Porsche, for £5k less than the price of a new Civic Type R…

There are far too many issues with the current offerings, plus they are far too expensive and there is not enough infrastructure. Change will only happen if people buy into this and at the moment it is not happening, EV sales are down and the depreciation on relatively new EV's has dropped through the floor. Used ones are going for peanuts at the car auctions as no one wants them. Manufacturers have fields full of unsold EVs. I have spoken to dealers who have taken back EVs from customers and sold them ICE cars as they won't put up with the range anxiety and all the extra hassle of charging them.
Well they can’t be too expensive & values dropping like a stone;)

I know dealers have taken a bath on some models but people will buy them if the price is right.

There is a lot of hysteria being whipped up, ‘range anxiety’ is a classic give that 60% of journeys are less than 6k.

If we have a situation whereby they are used around town & ICE are for longer journeys then it starts to make a lot more sense.

