
[FS] Spendor D7.2 Speakers

Hey DD, how old are the speakers out of interest? Also, how do you think they play in a small/medium sized room? My room is 3.5m x 7.5m and I listen width way, so only 2.5m from speakers. I have issues with bass boom with my dynaudios, rear ported, speakers can only be about 25cm from back of wall, and one being in a corner.
They are three years old, the room they are currently in is 5m x 3.3m. They are firing down the room from a bay window, they are 1’ from the front wall and 2’ from the side walls. It’s a new build house with plasterboard walls all around and a suspended floor, So possibly the worst positioning for exciting lower base room nodes.
I can honestly say I have no issues in that department at all, the ports are down low on the back of the speakers and don’t seem to move much air at all. I can only imagine they have heavy damping at the bottom of the cabinets.
Hope that helps.
Hey DD, how old are the speakers out of interest? Also, how do you think they play in a small/medium sized room? My room is 3.5m x 7.5m and I listen width way, so only 2.5m from speakers. I have issues with bass boom with my dynaudios, rear ported, speakers can only be about 25cm from back of wall, and one being in a corner.
I'll also leave my 5 pence here, as I have owned same speakers though not for long.
From my experience I can tell you the way they are designed though they are rear ported ,it's a special one which allow them to move closer to the wall without much of a problem.
My room is well under 16 m2 ,irregular shape and quite bad room modes .
I've found the spendors d7.2 working very well in my room but also in twice of the size.
Great speakers, I have a pair myself. I would just put them on Ebay at a slightly higher price (ensuring you have used their 80% off selling fees offer). They should go fairly quickly.
Hi mate,

My dad was looking at getting some ex-demo A7s. However, after watching loads of YouTube videos and demoing some speakers, he'd obviously prefer the D7.2s. We love the finish of these too. We live in Birmingham and can come and collect them this weekend. What's your absolute best price on them? We're not looking to take the mick with lowball offers.
Beautiful, I passed on a pair of these a couple of years back because they were too big to accommodate in my listening room at the time… it’s rearranged now and I could accommodate them but don’t currently have the funds.

Good luck with the sale!

Edit, missed the above, the new owner won’t be disappointed!

