
Spending review 2013

I have done in the past. It's full of americans!

No, seriously, I am not an american & don't really understand their culture. Great, friendly & generous people, but.......


So you'd rather stay in a country feeling robbed by the state. Sounds to me as if you can afford to but you enjoy complaining.

I still keep my winter fuel allowance because I keep my time in Spain to less than 183 days pa.

Overall I agree mainly with reducing the government depts, less government is always good. The 7 day rule just panders to the blue rinse brigade and like Chris said is just electioneering because it hardly saves any money.

I still think he is being too soft and could take a few more percentage points off all departments across the board.

The good news, however, is that Nulab are now going along with it, so the austerity programme will continue no matter who wins the next election.

Overall not to bad.


So 'less Govt. is always good'?
By that logic 'No Govt. at all is best'.
Not the first time I've suggested you consider moving to Somalia or some other Godforsaken shithole with no infrastructure, no civilisation and no future.

Your political intelligence is in the minus.

So 'less Govt. is always good'?
By that logic 'No Govt. at all is best'.
Not the first time I've suggested you consider moving to Somalia or some other Godforsaken shithole with no infrastructure, no civilisation and no future.

Your political intelligence is in the minus.


No, mull, it's yours that is stuck in a 1960's timewarp.

You must be pretty pissed off with the way Milliband has seen the light & started pledging to carry on with the cuts if he wins in 2015, eh?

Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty, and more people into affluence than any other factor in the world's history.


You're being very selective there. If you go back in history I think you'll find it's also kept people in the poverty trap, created inequality, created unhappiness, etc. Capitalism is not all it's cut out to be, for most people.
You're being very selective there. If you go back in history I think you'll find it's also kept people in the poverty trap, created inequality, created unhappiness, etc. Capitalism is not all it's cut out to be, for most people.

Poverty trap? A very very relative use of the word "poverty" here.

There is an easy way around all of this. The government should put up the tax on people who earn over £60,000 to 50p.

Corporations should be made to pay tax. Many of them pay virtually nothing while they make huge amounts of money.

The wealthy tax evaders that the UK specializes in should pay up or be thrown into the English Channel and told to f*** off.

Then we won't have a debt problem and we will be able to fund the NHS, schools and welfare.

England is a ****hole because most people - especially the rich - don't want to pay any tax.

Poverty trap? A very very relative use of the word "poverty" here.


Chris, standards of living increased through hard work, not the system that was largely in place while it happened. If capitalism was implemented in its entirety, most people would be a lot worse off. It's collectivism that improved standards across the board and took people out of poverty.

Jack, be careful - I believe there's something in the pfm small print about talking sense. You're dangerously close to getting a ban! :)
How would I get a nice new Krell amp or a new iPhone under this system?

Easy, you work, pay your taxes and purchase your Krell or Iphone out of what is left. If your wants exceed your disposable income then tough. See, it does work.
Poverty trap? A very very relative use of the word "poverty" here.


Once a country can support the life of its citizens, feed and house them an absolute definition of poverty is meaningless and thus the debate must necessarily be concerned with relative poverty .
Once a country can support the life of its citizens, feed and house them an absolute definition of poverty is meaningless and thus the debate must necessarily be concerned with relative poverty .

Thus no matter how wealthy we become as a nation we will always have poverty - at least in some peoples mind. We are some of the wealthiest people on the planet even those on minimum wage.

Greed really. Some always want more but work less.



