
Spending review 2013

Has it fvck!

Ill have a bit more respect for the tax system when it gathers all that it should.

By which of course I mean corporation tax and tax from those so relatively wealthy they can afford to hide their income from the man.
So you didn't pay part of your earnings to share in the costs of a modern industrial nation with all the benefits and advantages that brings then?

I did pay. Still do. I also happily used every legal tax avoidance method my accountant could come up with to minimise my tax bill.

IMHO, it is every taxpayer's duty to pay as little tax as they can legally get away with.

Mecalito , your past couple of posts are advocating ideas , which are crass , stupid and whose logical conclusion would be that we all lived in a Hobbesian state of chaos and anarchy were your only recourse would be a shotgun .

Please pack it in :D
Mecalito , your past couple of posts are advocating ideas , which are crass , stupid and whose logical conclusion would be that we all lived in a Hobbesian state of chaos and anarchy were your only recourse would be a shotgun .

Please pack it in :D

I just object to my money being taken to pay for lesbian woodland awareness outreach initiatives:D

I just object to my money being taken to pay for lesbian woodland awareness outreach initiatives:D


Nah, the hallmark of any civilised society is paying for stuff you don't use and using stuff you don't pay for - democracy.

Boy George looking pleased with himself, not because he missed his own targets (under any other circumstances he would have rightly received stick) but because the so- called opposition have just signed up to doing exactly the same without a whimper. What an unelectable shower they are.

George's opposition consists of our Jack and associated rabble. Happy days.
Ah, you accept you have to pay some tax then.

But because some of your earnings are taxed at a higher rate you feel that rate should be lower?

So the govt. has robbed you of the amount you didn't want to pay?

I understand the USA has a lower overall tax rate and fewer public services. Why don't you live there?
They take my money against my will. That's robbery.

As I interpret it you owe your wealth and success to the state, as without the opportunities provided by state education right through to university level you'd very likely just be some unemployed loser from an ex-mining town. Unlike you kids today have to pay for their education!
Ah, you accept you have to pay some tax then.

But because some of your earnings are taxed at a higher rate you feel that rate should be lower?

So the govt. has robbed you of the amount you didn't want to pay?

I understand the USA has a lower overall tax rate and fewer public services. Why don't you live there?

I have done in the past. It's full of americans!

No, seriously, I am not an american & don't really understand their culture. Great, friendly & generous people, but.......

As I interpret it you owe your wealth and success to the state, as without the opportunities provided by state education right through to university level you'd very likely just be some unemployed loser from an ex-mining town. Unlike you kids today have to pay for their education!

Like I always say, Tony, grab whatever's going & hang on to as much of it as you legally can.


