
Son et Image Montreal 2014: Naim disappears up it's own a@*%!

The combination of greed and intelligence is what correlates with income. I know plenty of very, very bright people who aren't interested in chasing money.

I think it's a combination of greed, intelligence, and a single-minded devotion to a clear goal. But anyone with a modicum of intelligence must be at least vaguely interested in chasing money, because without money, life sucks.


I went three times to the demo. It was simply the closest I've ever come to the raw energy and power of a live concert. Simply no contest with anything else at the show. The Statement also does subtlety and grace. The closed demo concept worked brilliantly, with the advantages that Hook described.

The spinoffs from this should be very interesting, but of course nothing will ever be as good as the Nait 2 :rolleyes:
There is an awful lot of dubious comments on this thread re income /intelligence .

Intelligence is not an abstract thing like a rock and it is not amendable to simple measurement . Intelligence is defined socially , historically and economically . It is also socially applied , fluid and takes different guises .

As far as I am aware their is no correlation between intelligence and income and correlation is not causation .Anybody who says otherwise is talking rubbish .

The single most important determinant of your income in most western capitalist societies is the wealth of the womens whose vagina you emerge from at birth .
My school motto was

Doctus in se sempre davitas habet
It translates to a wise man will always have riches within himself...... Not everything has to have a $ figure attached to it.
I bet that system sounded amazing but if I could afford one would not buy it, I am more than happy with my CB system and I have a Teddy Pardo itch to scratch, companies have been doing stunts like this forever let's get over it
So it's not about eating blood diamonds before taking a flight?
Mind you our school motto ought to have been: Ubi Stercum Ibi Aes
Mine was: Fides Quarens Intellectum.

It might as easily have been 'Sit the f uck down and shut the f uck up'.
I bet that system sounded amazing but if I could afford one would not buy it, I am more than happy with my CB system and I have a Teddy Pardo itch to scratch, companies have been doing stunts like this forever let's get over it

So, even though the Statement sounded wonderful, and you could afford it, you wouldn't buy one, being perfectly content with your current system. But you want to buy a Teddy to improve the latter.

I see...
Mrs BM does psychometrics as part of her work but I don`t think she considers them reliable - just Foo for lazy HR types.

I like the one where you get four initials to describe your character (very loosely based on Jung). It makes astrology seem almost scientific.
The opening post thinks nothing of the sort and actually had little intention of entering the room with or without a ticket. But thanks for explainig my actions to me.

Sorry, it wasn't my intention to misrepresent you, but you did write this in your opening post:

...door to the Naim room was actually open so I thought 'why don't I just join the end of the queue and walk in?' then I noticed the people handing over their 'Naim VIP' passes...

I understand why you may have felt Naim's approach was pretentious, but pretentious is somewhat indicative of high-end audio (and the new statement Naim amps are very much aimed at the high-end).

I've also encountered the 'give your email details' scenario before - I just asked politely if I really had to and they said no, not if I really didn't want to - so I didn't and was still given a ticket.
Having skimmed through this thread, I can understand that some people don't like what they might see as a hubristic attitude from their hi-fi manufacturers. However, Naim have been demoing their top end in closed demos for years. It's not really a surprise that they would do so again.
Red alert ! The warp core is on the right.

I like the one where you get four initials to describe your character (very loosely based on Jung). It makes astrology seem almost scientific.

I used to poo poo psychometrics- we are all unique, free willed individuals etc. -yet they are based on large data sets, validated and containing internal checking questions inc ones to detect 'impression management' ie. is the individual massaging the answers? While they can't sum an individual up, they can direct questioning at interview and give pointers to likely behaviours in particular situations.

I was convinced I was impervious to advertising when I was younger. Now I see that my life is one long series of consumer product name checks.


Sent from my iphone.
I used to poo poo psychometrics- we are all unique, free willed individuals etc. -yet they are based on large data sets, validated and containing internal checking questions inc ones to detect 'impression management' ie. is the individual massaging the answers? While they can't sum an individual up, they can direct questioning

I like filling in questionnaires myself. The last time I had the four-letter one done, I came out as being in a box all by myself, so I had the bonus result of still being able to see myself as a unique free-willed individualist amongst a sea of grey conformists. On a previous test, the HR department accused me of not taking the test seriously, because my answers placed me as such an extreme outlier.

