
So, first impressions of a Townsend Allegri+...

So, what exactly is a good passive pre amp doing to the signal? Is the answer "Nothing, that's the point"?

I can't understand how a passive pre amp can bring a huge leap in sound quality? What's going on inside it? I'm perfectly happy with my cheapo Tisbury passive because it doesn't seem to do anything except give me a channel selector and volume control.

Some say they should all sound the same.... but clearly Don't !....
Indeed, they absolutely do not. Even within brand, an MFA Classic will be (was demonstrably!) trounced by an MFA Baby Ref.

@wulbert Being perfectly happy with your hifi is a great thing. I suggest you don’t even think about hearing say an MFA Baby Ref as sonically I suspect we’re talking different league and financially we definitely are!
Heard one of those MFA ( dunno which model ) units,this was feeding a Quad 405 and this in turn fed a pair of Graham LS/9 and the sound was stunning. đź‘Ť
Has anyone ever been brave enough to run a dac straight into a power amp with only digital (roon?) volume control?

