
Secret audio club

OK too, 8pm. Being a newbie, how do we recognise each other? Someone suggested waving a pink fish, but it might go off during a hot evening, a bit antisocial.
OK too, 8pm. Being a newbie, how do we recognise each other? Someone suggested waving a pink fish, but it might go off during a hot evening, a bit antisocial.

Maybe Lew will wear his Sombrero again:)

Sounds like we have a definite for this coming Thursday then fellas.
hope it works , i tried this in nottingham a few years back it lasted about six months it is so hard to get everyone together at one night , late workers late shifts things to do , but hay go for it , might try a nottingham club up again, met some great guys who im in contact with still but alas no club
I would have loved to have joined you but have a leaving do at work which I need to attend - as it's me leaving!

I'll definitely make the next one

We’re moving down to the south coast in West Sussex next month, so hoping there are some pfm folk down there that would be interested in such events?"

Sorry to lose you from the locality, Ian. If you are anywhere the Worthing area, you may be in for a treat - it was 2nd hand hi-fi heaven when I lived in High Salvington/Findon Valley area. We had more hi-fi shops per capita than anywhere else I ever lived as well. Not sure about now though. I know that many have closed down.
Shame for you guys in OSAC, hope you get some momentum going and carry on soon.

We’re moving down to the south coast in West Sussex next month, so hoping there are some pfm folk down there that would be interested in such events? Perhaps initially meeting at a half-decent pub? Anyone up to join WSSAC?

I've just moved down to Seaford in East Sussex, would love to know of other HiFi nuts around.
Heh, just seen this, sounds like a great idea. Unfortunately I'm on a ferry from Pompey to Le Havre on Thursday evening, kinda rules it out of the equation for me.
Given me a few thoughts though.....
Hmmm, not sure about the sombrero this time. Will most likely wear my Golden State Warriors cap. It's blue and yellow.

Sorry, to hear you won't be able to make it Kevin, I definitely owe you a coupled of drinks for lending me all the kit. Will pm.
Sorry to lose you from the locality, Ian. If you are anywhere the Worthing area, you may be in for a treat - it was 2nd hand hi-fi heaven when I lived in High Salvington/Findon Valley area. We had more hi-fi shops per capita than anywhere else I ever lived as well. Not sure about now though. I know that many have closed down.

Thank you. Sorry to move away from some lovely folk :)
Enjoyed meeting up with Bill and Lew last Thursday, At the pub, I offered a meet up at my house in Wantage, in August. My wife is back in Russia between 6th to 12th of August, so that might be a good time. Nothing fancy, just listen to some music, please bring LPs/CDs and I can do a simple repast, Chilli or Spag Bog. Just a thought, my house is easy to find and park.

If anyone is interested, just reply with a good day, I realise it is holiday time and not everyone could come. I'm off to Devon for a few days to stay with an old chum and will reply on my return. Let me know what you think, if no, that's fine too.

Enjoyed meeting up with Bill and Lew last Thursday, At the pub, I offered a meet up at my house in Wantage, in August. My wife is back in Russia between 6th to 12th of August, so that might be a good time. Nothing fancy, just listen to some music, please bring LPs/CDs and I can do a simple repast, Chilli or Spag Bog. Just a thought, my house is easy to find and park.

If anyone is interested, just reply with a good day, I realise it is holiday time and not everyone could come. I'm off to Devon for a few days to stay with an old chum and will reply on my return. Let me know what you think, if no, that's fine too.


8th, 9th or 10th are good for me David:)

