
RIP Captain Tom

I know it's easy to say, but I said to my family at the time, she's a bit "leach like". Just seemed interested in what she'd get out of it.

I was right.
Reminds me of a local GP of my home area, who at his time of retirement set up a 'sponsored everest walk' at his practise, & all the old dears who he'd been their doctor to, each diligently coffed up a bit.. accumulating enough for him to have a free extravagant hiking holiday at their expense. This is a similar "Fk you, donating proletariats" afaict.
Looks to me like she only used the foundation's name to get plannign permission for a builing, then built something else whilst everyone's back was turned. There is no evidence she used any of the charity money to build it, is there?
She just used the charity’s name to get permission to build an office, the inference being that it would be used for the charity.

It’s just a very Tory thing to do. Some people are just vile. Retrospective permission turned down so I hope they tear it down. Ha!
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Hang on, where does it say she built the swimming pool building with the charity's money?
The charity may not have paid for the building directly, but with a "six figure" salary paid by the's the same thing.

I recall at the time that many people who had very little themselves were donating as it was a worthy cause...and little kids sending off their spending money. Makes me quite sick.

The "charity" should be wound up, and the remaining money passed on to a reputable organisation.
To be fair they were probably exhausted and needed a spa and swim after watching him walk around the garden 100 times.
She just used the charity’s name to get permission to build an office, the inference being that it would be used for the charity.

It’s just a very Tory thing to do. Some people are just vile. Retrospective permission turned down so I hope they tear it down. Ha!

And a Spa, apparently.
She just used the charity’s name to get permission to build an office, the inference being that it would be used for the charity.

It’s just a very Tory thing to do. Some people are just vile. Retrospective permission turned down so I hope they tear it down. Ha!

So the money therefore, to build this 'charity office', can "legitimately" be taken from the £39m donation pot.

I believe this to be the way this slippery pair have tried to skew it (you just substitute 'charity leisure facility'.. for 'charity office'). Or, another way is you pay yourselves a combined £1/4m per annum (quite possibly twice this), from the donation pot.. & just pay for it that way. But as they tried to use the charity's name, & their finances are being investigated, plus the spa complex is to be demolished, I'd suggest the latter was their way of fleecing everyone to fund a lavish lifestyle.

It stinks of fraud, either way.
If you do some investigative work that is in the public domain it states that the Captain Tom Moore Foundation paid " consultancy fees " to a company called The Maytrix Group, owned by his own daughter & her husband. The consultancy fees outweighed the entire charity donations total of £160,000. She herself was appointed CEO for an interim period after the Charity Commision denied her the permanent role on a suggested salary of £150,000 per year, that interim role netted £85,000 to be paid on a rolling 3 month contract with a minimum of 9 months, this was after £100,000 was also denied. They also set up a company called Cable Nook Ltd, 2 weeks before the foundation was implemented, that company trade marked the brand "Captain Tom Moore", for merchandising purposes, that company made £809,000 in the first year with £500,000 profits.

This is more than likely where the money comes from now, not the foundation, nor charity as that has been distributed away from them. If they had stuck to the original planning permission then I'd have thought that possibly the foundation would have footed the bill as the building was for their purposes.

It all stinks to high heaven.
I'd also like to see if the entire spa building is coming down or just this retrospective section. Make it the L from what is now a C shaped building.
The charity may not have paid for the building directly, but with a "six figure" salary paid by the's the same thing.

I recall at the time that many people who had very little themselves were donating as it was a worthy cause...and little kids sending off their spending money. Makes me quite sick.

The "charity" should be wound up, and the remaining money passed on to a reputable organisation.

This is what needs to be done, they state that they have been naive, no way, knew exactly what they were doing.
Grifters gonna grift, I'm surprised she isn't running to be a Tory MP with that lot going on.

Pinpoint post mattj. Thing is, we've had 12 years of politicians & especially Boris, lying, lying, lying. So why shouldn't those who support them follow suit-? Why shouldn't their little Tarquin, lie too/ start young why not. It's just what's done.. right-? The worst of this moral repugnancy we've witnessed recently, the Boris lying rot, I believe, has ramifications that pervade our whole society. Lying is seen as 'fair game' now, just something that's part of life. To some. To too many.

These parasites in society push the envelope to see how far it goes before it gives, not found out, easy money, found out, then I am being hounded out, they deflect the truth, it is all about me, me me & how I am being treated because you have found out I am a lying bastard.
The charity may not have paid for the building directly, but with a "six figure" salary paid by the's the same thing.

I recall at the time that many people who had very little themselves were donating as it was a worthy cause...and little kids sending off their spending money. Makes me quite sick.

The "charity" should be wound up, and the remaining money passed on to a reputable organisation.
I probably agree....but we at least need to make the correct accusation?

