
Recommended movies etc on Netflix/Amazon Prime III

Binged through 6 episodes of Scavengers Reign on Netflix. Thoroughly engrossing. Fantastically atmospheric and surreal. Really trippy in places. I can’t recommend this enough! (some of it seems to have been influenced by Studio Ghibli in terms of its weirdness)

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I just kind of got bored of Fallout and stopped watching it at Episode 3.
I stuck it out but mainly because I enjoy the games and therefore all the attention to detail (and the money spent). I hadn't watched Prime in ages and was appalled by the ads.
Sorry to harp on about it but I just finished watching Scavengers Reign on Netflix. It’s absolutely fantastic and probably the best bit of science fiction I’ve seen since The Expanse (Scavengers Reign does for biology what The Expanse did for physics). Both wondrous and horrifying in equal measure, it deserves any sci-fi fan’s attention. There’s a bit of Moebius, Miyazaki, Lovecraft and Herzog in terms of style and themes. 100% Rotten Tomatoes rating.
Watched season one of Outer Range, I found it good. Enough intrigue and characters well acted. I worried it would turn into Lost and season two has sadly seen this come true. Managed to make it to episode four but it’s just pap. Filler with no direction or purpose, with just enough to make us watch the next episode and apparently season 3 confirmed.

No thanks.
and was appalled by the ads.
Can be removed by paying an extra fee per month. When I first got that notification I nearly terminated my subscription, but then I realised that Amazon was by far the cheapest service and so the extra would only bring it up to close to the price of Netflix etc. So I decided to subscribe to it.
Watched (or tried to watch) The Snowman on Amazon Prime last night (27" iMac) I could not, no matter how I tried, across two different browsers, get rid of the stupid "X-Ray" feature, where an overlay of trivial "extras" is displayed on the screen. Really, really annoying. Eventually found a work around by using the mini-player and then making it full-screen but then lost the subtitles that my missus needs.
I'd not pay for a subscription if that is normal behaviour for their platform.
I often don't have time for series. Always feel I'm being strung along.

Anyone got some good sub-2hr film recommendations? Films with a gripping plot, narrative arc, preferably filmed outdoors and without women being killed by men. (As a father of a young, beautiful woman, I find our endless fascination with their murder very unappetising)
Anyone got some good sub-2hr film recommendations? Films with a gripping plot, narrative arc, preferably filmed outdoors and without women being killed by men. (As a father of a young, beautiful woman, I find our endless fascination with their murder very unappetising)
I enjoyed "The Dig", a drama concerning the Sutton Hoo excavation, which stars Cary Mulligan and Ralph Fiennes. This might fit the bill.

The 2004 version of Battlestar Galactica is now on Amazon Prime. In my humble opinion, one of the greatest sci-fi series ever made. It is a timeless examination of the human condition.
We are watching 'Boy Swallows Universe' on Netflix.
I wasn't sure if it was my thing after watching the first episode, but I'm glad we stuck it out.
It's not for those without a heart (Tory voter probably won't like it). It's full of emotional scenes, and I'll admit here I shed a tear or two. Recommended.
We are watching 'Boy Swallows Universe' on Netflix.
I wasn't sure if it was my thing after watching the first episode, but I'm glad we stuck it out.
It's not for those without a heart (Tory voter probably won't like it). It's full of emotional scenes, and I'll admit here I shed a tear or two. Recommended.
dCS Tech guy James posted a theory

dCS products use Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillators (VCXOs) with a sync range of +/- 300 parts per million. If a source is outputting a signal which is outside of this range into the dCS product, the dCS unit will continuously drop and re-lock to the signal. This is because the VCXO cannot physically lock to a signal this far out of range. It is worth noting that this is the first time in 20+ years of using VCXOs of this spec that we have come up against this issue.

It may be observed that some devices can synchronise to the same source without issue, however this should not be taken as a direct comparison. Many other devices use different methods of synchronising to a source. For example, SPDIF receivers and PLLs typically use a Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) instead of a VCXO, which has a much wider range that it can accept but equally it introduces more jitter into the signal. This compromises the performance of the system compared to a VCXO, whether the source is properly clocked or not.

We do not feel that sacrificing the performance of the entire system to bring compatibility with sources outputting out-of-range signals is a compromise that should be made in a dCS digital system. As such, we opt to retain high-quality clocking with a slightly more specific sync range. While this means you may get dropouts using sources outputting inappropriate signals, it retains the expected quality from the system when using a well clocked source.

