
Recommendation to top the best speakers I've owned. ATC


pfm Member
I'd like someone to recommend speakers that I can try that is potentially better than what I feel for the ATC. Here are some thoughts on what I felt for some of the speakers I've tried extensively as compared to ATC.

The ATC scm 11 I've got is perhaps the most neutral speakers I've tried. I know ATC scm11 is not even the best bookshelf ATC has, with the 19s considered much better, but I've never tried that at home.
This is the best because it is the most neutral. I can play jazz, acoustic, hip hop, rock, anything and they sound great. Mid-range is absolutely great on this, perhaps only second to BBC-style speakers. What makes this better than BBC is its dynamic range, and the ability to disappear better than BBC. On a side note, Hegel amps are the best match for ATC. Even better than ATC's own P1

Proac SM100
The other speakers I've owned is the proac SM100. The SM100 is a tad on the more exciting side of neutral while ATC is towards the warmer side of neutral. Proac is perhaps even more dynamic than SM100 and goes lower. But its mid range is noticeably not as good as ATC. Presentation is also a little more forward than ATC.

Tried special 40 and x14a. Never liked Dynaudio. Always find them lacking the punch and treble a little rolled off.

PMC - Genelec
Too thin sounding for my liking

BBC Speakers (Falcon/Harbeth p3/Graham ls6)
No need to describe these more, but they are not as versatile as ATC because of their lack of dynamic range (not sure if that is how you describe it). They also don't dig as deep for reason and trying one size bigger (Harbeth 30.1) makes them too huge for my room. For those not in the know, Graham LS6 is the ultimate LS3/5a you can own. It sounds like ls3/5a but has bigger scale and deeper bass due to the cabinet size. Ultimately, for my needs, I still prefer the tight bass and better dynamics of the ATC.

Are there any speakers that I should try? Maximum 6.5 inch woofer and 28cm depth. I am very interested in the amphion argon 1 though I know it is considered a bright speaker. I've heard B&W, KEF LS50, Dali, but they did not impress me enough on those short auditions at the dealer
The best loudspeaker I’ve ever owned was the ProAc Response 2, but that was many years ago. Back then it was obviously smoother than the old Studio 1, so I suspect the current Response D2 would meet your needs better than the SM100...but that’s obviously just speculation.
The SM100 is a tad on the more exciting side of neutral while ATC is towards the warmer side of neutral. Proac is perhaps even more dynamic than SM100 and goes lower. But its mid range is noticeably not as good as ATC. Presentation is also a little more forward than ATC.

You second sentence doesn't make sense; maybe you mean ATC instead of SM100. However, I'm surprised if ATCs are warmer than ProAcs, as this was certainly not the case in days of yore when SUBITO's Response Twos were around. I had John Michell's R3s, then R3.5s and ended up with R4s, which had ATC drivers in (4 in each)

The best loudspeaker I’ve ever owned was the ProAc Response 2,

Great range of speakers; only the floor-standing R3.8 was a disappointment. The ATCs I heard at each show I went to were certainly dynamic, but warm? No way Jose ! Who knows; maybe things have changed.
Active ATCs will give you a lot more ATC-ness. You’ve already nailed the virtues of ATC: “the best because it is the most neutral. I can play jazz, acoustic, hip hop, rock, anything and they sound great. Mid-range is absolutely great on this, perhaps only second to BBC-style speakers. What makes this better than BBC is its dynamic range, and the ability to disappear better than BBC.“ Going active just gives you more, much more, of those things. SCM19A, SCM40A, SCM20ASL ..
I concur with the above as well as others
there's a a passive (very good) and active( great ) ATC signature of sound.
There's also a the Proac way ,a bit different and in the briefer period rewarding.
A tough choice
Interesting.. I’ve come from atc scm11 to dynaudio evoke 10 and they offer the build and energy of the scm11 but are really good at low volume which the scm isn’t. This is better for me with then being on all day while working. At new they sounded shut in and rolled off but 8 weeks on and they are better all round than the scm11
Tannoy of course !! Listening to Eaton legacy now ( 2.5k sh) realism in spades , dynamics , imaging . Compact and good waf and 26cm depth !!
What is the rest of the system? I had the original 19’s the square ones, very analytical and a bit tiring over time, relentless in their dissection of the recording. I would like to hear the new version.
I'd like someone to recommend speakers that I can try that is potentially better than what I feel for the ATC. Here are some thoughts on what I felt for some of the speakers I've tried extensively as compared to ATC.

The ATC scm 11 I've got is perhaps the most neutral speakers I've tried. I know ATC scm11 is not even the best bookshelf ATC has, with the 19s considered much better, but I've never tried that at home.
This is the best because it is the most neutral. I can play jazz, acoustic, hip hop, rock, anything and they sound great. Mid-range is absolutely great on this, perhaps only second to BBC-style speakers. What makes this better than BBC is its dynamic range, and the ability to disappear better than BBC. On a side note, Hegel amps are the best match for ATC. Even better than ATC's own P1

Proac SM100
The other speakers I've owned is the proac SM100. The SM100 is a tad on the more exciting side of neutral while ATC is towards the warmer side of neutral. Proac is perhaps even more dynamic than SM100 and goes lower. But its mid range is noticeably not as good as ATC. Presentation is also a little more forward than ATC.

Tried special 40 and x14a. Never liked Dynaudio. Always find them lacking the punch and treble a little rolled off.

PMC - Genelec
Too thin sounding for my liking

BBC Speakers (Falcon/Harbeth p3/Graham ls6)
No need to describe these more, but they are not as versatile as ATC because of their lack of dynamic range (not sure if that is how you describe it). They also don't dig as deep for reason and trying one size bigger (Harbeth 30.1) makes them too huge for my room. For those not in the know, Graham LS6 is the ultimate LS3/5a you can own. It sounds like ls3/5a but has bigger scale and deeper bass due to the cabinet size. Ultimately, for my needs, I still prefer the tight bass and better dynamics of the ATC.

Are there any speakers that I should try? Maximum 6.5 inch woofer and 28cm depth. I am very interested in the amphion argon 1 though I know it is considered a bright speaker. I've heard B&W, KEF LS50, Dali, but they did not impress me enough on those short auditions at the dealer
My AE1MK3s are pretty good...
I've demoed the ATC SCM11 at length, and agree, they're great. One of the best I've had in my room. For me, just a touch too forward and analytical. But only a smidgen, and could still happily live with them.

But why not try the SCM19 if you're looking for similar, but dialed up a notch?
Best is a bit of a hard term to pin down. I have a criteria these days I call the toe tapping test. Does it make my body move? If it doesnt, I move on...
I had small ATC years ago (so probably older versions than yours and can’t remember if 11s or 12s) but I agree they are fabulously neutral. Like others, if you like the ATC sound then easiest to just go up a model.

I also agree that it is a bit difficult recommending without knowing your budget. I’ve heard a lot of standmounts and they all have some sort of signature sound. I was hoping to be Wowed by Dynaudio Special 40s and wasn’t. I quite like B&W 805s but they have a different presentation of sound. I also found all PMC a bit thin.

Two brands that will trump your ATCs are expensive and equally inefficient to drive. They are Totem and Boenicke. Totem are very neutral but more detailed and even more refined (not dull) than ATC. Boenicke have a sound I find hard to describe as it has an organic presentation that I’ve just not heard from other small speakers (and are my favourites). You’d be stunned by how much bass and detail you get out of tiny Boenicke W5s - but at a price and very few dealers.
Thanks all for the comments. I actually have this in a desktop setting listening from 1m away. Not optimal and everything, but i make do.

that is why I am looking at really small speakers (<6.5inch). Room is 5mX4mX 3.4m (height).

You second sentence doesn't make sense; maybe you mean ATC instead of SM100. However, I'm surprised if ATCs are warmer than ProAcs, as this was certainly not the case in days of yore when SUBITO's Response Twos were around. I had John Michell's R3s, then R3.5s and ended up with R4s, which had ATC drivers in (4 in each)

Great range of speakers; only the floor-standing R3.8 was a disappointment. The ATCs I heard at each show I went to were certainly dynamic, but warm? No way Jose ! Who knows; maybe things have changed.

I understand ATC has never been called warm, but always on the harsh, bright side of the spectrum. In pro audio, you will see however that ATC is more often described as warm though. Hifi lovers are too used to warm speakers while pro audio peeps are too used to analytical speakers. That goes to show ATC is really balanced.

Not sure I'd class the Amphion Argon 1s as bright.
I seem to hear it more often as bright. Shall go and have a listen!

Interesting.. I’ve come from atc scm11 to dynaudio evoke 10 and they offer the build and energy of the scm11 but are really good at low volume which the scm isn’t. This is better for me with then being on all day while working. At new they sounded shut in and rolled off but 8 weeks on and they are better all round than the scm11

ATC is really poor at low volume, if you use the wrong amp. I've previously used Rotel and the ATC just couldn't come alive at low volume. For amps like Hegel h160 and ATC P1, they are great at low volume as well.

Budget, room size, amps?
Without that info your enquiry is meaningless
ATC SMC11 actually gave me a headache, so matching is critical. Detail was fabulous, but after living with Proac, it was impossible to live with that speaker. I wish I could have tried with different amps, the potential was there.

